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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Link to Lowongan, Kerja, terbaru di, Bank, Telkom, Pertamina, BUMN, Migas, PNS 2009


Posted: 27 Jun 2009 06:17 PM PDT

Lowongan kerja, PT. Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis sebagai penyelenggara "ATM BERSAMA", merupakan Perusahaan penyedia layanan transaksi elektronis terdepan yang sedang berkembang dengan pesat dan bergerak dalam bidang jasa pelayanan : Switching Provider (ATM Bersama, Link), Online Payment, Aplikasi Service Provider, Mobile Banking, Flash, Bank Reporting System (Pelayanan Jasa Pelaporan ke Bank), Untuk itu, kami membutuhkan profesional muda yang dinamis, trampil dan memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk ditempatkan pada posisi :

Compensation & Benefit (Kode: C&B)

Persyaratan :

* Minimal Lulusan S1 semua jurusan, maksimal 30 tahun
* Lebih disukai memiliki pengalaman bekerja di bidang Compensation & Benefit atau Payrol selama 2 tahun
* Bekerja secara teliti, tekun, daya analisa yang baik, dan stabil walaupun berada dalam situasi yang menekan
* Menguasai aplikasi komputer (MS-Word, Excell, dll)
* Mampu menganalisa sistem penggajian dan kompensasi sesuai dengan pasaran
* Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan baik, jujur, dapat bekerja sama dalam tim dan individual.

Bagi yang berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan diatas SEGERA kirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan mencantumkan kode, gaji saat ini dan gaji yang diharapkan ke:

Menara Thamrin 6 th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 3 Jakarta 10340
email :

info Selengkapnya

Lowongan kerja terbaru PT Marsh Indonesia ( subsidiary of Marsh Inc )

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 06:16 PM PDT

PT Marsh Indonesia, a subsidiary of Marsh Inc., the world's leading insurance brokers, advisors & risk consultancy firm with offices in over 120 countries, is looking for a candidate to fill below important position.

Client Executive
(Jakarta Raya)


* Meets with client to assess its risk needs.
* Reviews the client's exposures and loss experience against current types of coverage and analyzes the risks to determine the products and service requirements.
* In conjunction with the senior client executive / client manager, develops a servicing plan in response to client needs and gains client's approval.
* Communicates the servicing plan to carriers/ service provider, as appropriate.
* Receives and evaluates quotes from the carrier or the service provider and presents a recommendation to client.
* Delivers daily service to the clients that assures that their risk management needs are appropriately met.
* Implements and maintains a quality post-sales service plan.
* Creates and presents renewal proposals to existing clients and participates in presentations to prospective clients.


* Good command of the English language both written and verbal
* Resourceful and able to work independently
* Be a team-player and possess a positive attitude towards learning
* Strong interpersonal, problem solving and negotiation skills
* Possess technical insurance competence
* Minimum 3 years experience in broking industry

Please submit the resume within 14 days to

Lowongan kerja terbaru PT. Ethica Industri Farmasi

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 06:15 PM PDT

Lowongan kerja terbaruLowongan kerja terbaru, PT. Ethica Industri Farmasi established in 1946 and began its journey as the first sterile injection manufacturer in Indonesia in 1950. Now, as one of the Growing Fast Pharmaceutical Company located in East Jakarta, we need highly potential and dynamic persons to grow with us, for the following position:

HRD Staff (JS-HR)
(Jakarta Raya)


* Main Job :
o Handling Recruitment&Development Process


* Female, max. 27 years old
* Bachelor degree from Psychology, with min GPA 3.00
* Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
* Having a knowledge in handling Psychological Tools
* Computer & English literate

Please send your application letter with CV, recent photograph, and copy of ID card, not later than 2 weeks after the advertising date to:

PO BOX 1049-JAT 13010

Note: Please state the code of the position on the envelope subject

Lowongan kerja terbaru BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 07:06 AM PDT

Lowongan kerjaKami memerlukan orang yang proaktif dan menyukai bekerja dengan orang atau mendukung orang lain untuk sukses. Mereka yang bangga akan pekerjaan dan hasil pekerjaan mereka, dan memiliki intergritas, ketepatan dan aktualisasi diri.
BANK SYARIAH MANDIRI mengundang profesional perbankan untuk mengisi posisi :

Petugas Kepatuhan Kantor Cabang
(Seluruh Indonesia)


* Diutamakan Pria
* Diutamakan yang mampu membaca Al-Qur'an
* Memiliki pendidikan min S1 dengan IPK>2.75 (PT berakreditasi A) atau IPK>3.00 (PT berakreditasi B)
* Berusia tidak lebih dari 35 tahun 2009
* Memiliki pengalaman di Perbankan/Kantor Akuntan Publik/Lembaga Keuangan/Internal Kontrol/Audit minimal 2 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang baik
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Kirimkan Lamaran lengkap berserta CV ke:

Jl MH.Thamrin no : 5
Jakarta Pusat

Advertised: 25-6-09 | Closing Date: 24-7-09

Lowongan pekerjaan Journalist

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 02:30 AM PDT

lowongan pekerjaanLowongan Pekerjaan, PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom's holding company of, Indonesia's leading of media online & internet services. We would like to invite highest standards of professional in fulfilling our business goal and objectives, for the following position. More Information Click

[RED] Journalist
(Jakarta Raya)


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Commerce, Economics, Mass Communications, Journalism or equivalent.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Single, not more than 24 years old and attractive appearance.
* Able to communicate and write in English & energetic, dynamic, creative & like challenges
* Have great interest in journalism especially economic, finance & business news
* Full-Time positions available
* lease state position code in the e-mail subject; [RED] Journalist

If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume and recent photograph not later than June, 30th 2009 to:

PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom

Lowongan kerja Manager D1-BP Fuel Crops

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 01:39 AM PDT

D1-BP Fuel Crops adalah perusahaan Biofuel berbasis jarak pagar yang sedang berkembang pesat. Sehubungan dengan pertumbuhan perusahaan, kami mencari kandidat orang Indonesia yang sesuai, berkompeten, ambisius dan dinamis untuk berkembang bersama kami, untuk melamar untuk posisi berikut:



* Tanggung jawab Posisi
o Melakukan pembelian dari lokasi penanaman perusahaan dan daerah lain untuk komoditas jarak pagar
o Melihat aspek aspek pembelian (termasuk pencarian komoditas, pembelian, transportasi, penyimpanan dan distribusi)
o Mengatur distribusi dari asal komoditas menuju gudang
o Bekerja secara dekat dengan pemasok dan pelanggan untuk meningkatkan operasi dan mengurangi biaya
o Bekerjasama dengan pihak perkebunan dan pabrik di industry yang bersangkutan
o Mempersiapkan rencana biaya operasional
o Warga Negara Indonesia


* Keahlian yang dibutuhkan
o Keahlian untuk memahami proses keseluruhan dari pamasok sampai pelanggan
o Cepat dan teliti dengan kalkulasi
o Kemampuan bersosialisasi dan negosiasi
o Kepercayaan diri dan integritas
o Keahlian organisasi dan perencanaan
o Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
o Bertempat tinggal di daerah bersangkutan
o Harus memiliki transportasi sendiri dan SIM yang berlaku
o Harus mengetahui jalan di daerah tersebut dan bekerja secara independen

Kami menawarkan paket remunerasi menarik untuk kandidat yang sesuai. Kandidat diminta untuk mengirimkan lamaran kerja mereka dengan resume dan fotokopi sertifikat, detail gaji sekarang dan yang diharapkan, nomor telepon dan foto ke alamat berikut:

PT D1 Oils Indonesia, Gedung Arthaloka Suite 1609, Jl. Jendral Sudirman kav 2, Jakarta 10220. Hanya kandidat yang sesuai akan diwawancarai. Tuliskan LMPG pada kanan atas amplop anda.

Advertised: 19-6-09 | Closing Date: 18-7-09

Lowongan kerja terbaru di PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom (

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 12:41 AM PDT

PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom's holding company of, Indonesia's leading of media online & internet services. We would like to invite highest standards of professional in fulfilling our business goal and objectives, for the following position. More Information Click

Purchasing Staff
(Jakarta Raya)


* Process, control and monitoring procurement
* Vendor management
* Support daily activity of purchasing dept
* Ability to adapt quickly and understand the company's basic purchasing system and procedures.
* Ability to focus on process improvement initiatives to streamline purchasing department activities.
* Continuous follow-up with assigned supplier accounts.
* Plan, organize, and control procurement activities and report to GM
* Evaluate vendors' performance
* Ensure the records of purchased items, cost, delivery is matched with requisition


* English: fluent both written and spoken
* Having experience ; IT Industry preferred (due to knowledge of suppliers and processes), min. 5 years, at least 2 as head of area
* Education: Major in Accounting, Administration or Engineering
* Integrity, Good Working ethics, Good references
* Experienced with importation process and custom clearance
* Experienced in local and international traveling management ( ticketing,
accommodation etc)
Please state position code in the e-mail subject; [O&FA] Purchasing Staff

If you are ready for the challenge, please submit your application letter with full details of resume and recent photograph not later than June, 30th 2009 to:

PT Agranet Multicitra Siberkom

Advertised:27-06-09 | Closing Date:26-07-09

Lowongan kerja PT Sud Chemie Indonesia Medan

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 02:38 AM PDT

Lowongan kerjaLowongan Kerja, We are a German based company located in Kawasan Industry Medan - II, producing products of natural raw clays which markets are in both domestic as well as in export. To cope with our continuous growth and development, we are inviting you to join us for following post:

Maintenance & Electrical Engineer (MEE)
(Sumatera Utara - Medan)


* The successful candidate will report to Plant Manager and will tackle the following activities:
o Set up maintenance & electrical work plan, implement as well as evaluate the work and take action in appropriate way & time concern
o Solve some equipment troubles and provide suggestion for improvement
o Supervise the group of maintenance/engineering team
o Manage & monitor spare part stock and other supporting production material by establish effective, efficient & accurate inventory management system
o Conduct regular physical inventory taking and provide report
o Measure related environmental protection and work safety in accordance with both constitutional provision and predefined Sud-Chemie standards


* To best fit you must be :
o A university graduate in Electrical Engineering
o At least 3-4 years work experience in comparable function & a hands on worker
o Understand basic PLC process and troubleshooting knowledge
o Proficient in written and verbal English & Computer Literacy
o Ready for on call or shift rotation as required
o Excellent in leadership skill and interpersonal & communication skill as well
o High level of commitment & dedication
o Positive in work attitudes, initiative, strong desire for results, experience in running projects on his own

Please submit a comprehensive resume within 10 days after the date of this advertisement to:

Rosa Agustina - Human Resources Department
PT. Sud-Chemie Indonesia
Jl. Pulau Pinang, Kawasan Industri Medan – II
Mabar, MEDAN 20242

or email to :

Lowongan kerja terbaru PT ALAMRAYA ESSINDO

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 08:55 AM PDT

Lowongan pekerjaan, di Sebuah perusahaan bahan baku makanan bumbu & aroma membutuhkan tenaga untuk :

Chief Accounting
(Jakarta Raya)


* Wanita
* Usia maksimal 30 tahun
* Lulusan S1 Akuntansi (IPK 3,0)
* Menguasai costing, Bahasa Inggris, pajak dan komputer
* Pengalaman minimal 3 tahun
* Domisili Daan Mogot, Kedoya dan sekitarnya

Lamaran dapat ditujukan ke alamat dibawah ini:

Green Garden Blok Z.2 No. 57
Kedoya Utara, Jakarta Barat 11520

Advertised: 11-6-09 | Closing Date: 10-7-09

Lowongan kerja PT Sud-Chemie Indonesia

Posted: 27 Jun 2009 12:28 AM PDT

Lowongan kerjaLowongan kerja, We are a German based company located in Cileungsi - Bogor, producing products of natural raw clays which markets are in both domestic as well as in export. To cope with our continuous growth and development, we are inviting you to join us for following post:

Quality Support in Laboratory (QSL)
(Jawa Barat - Cileungsi)


* The successful candidate will report to Quality Control Manager and will tackle the following activities:
o Controlling data analysis, data processing, database system management
o Interpreting data and give feedback to Production Process
o Making Certificate Of Analysis (COA)
o Coordinating inter-laboratorial activities as well as report
o Handling Laboratory Inventory Control


* To best fit you must be :
o A university graduate in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering/Industrial Technology
o At least 2-3 years work experience in comparable function & a hands on worker
o Able to work in fast pace & under pressure
o Able to perform precisely & do accurate work
o Proficient in written and verbal English & Computer Literacy
o Excellent in leadership skill and interpersonal & communication skill as well
o High level of commitment & dedication
o Positive in work attitudes, initiative, strong desire for results, experience in running projects on his own

Please submit a comprehensive resume within 10 days after the date of this advertisement to:

Rosa Agustina - Human Resources Department
PT Sud-Chemie Indonesia
Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 14 Pangkalan 10
Desa Limusnunggal, Cileungsi-Bogor 16820

or email to :

" Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview "

Advertised: 26-6-09 | Closing Date: 25-7-09

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