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Saturday, May 21, 2011



Lowongan Talk Show And News Producer PT Centro Media - Surabaya

Posted: 19 May 2011 05:04 PM PDT

Centro Media - Surabaya office is one of emerging media company in Indonesia and we will expand our border of using a new media and digital rich media to deliver creative information and entertainment to the community in Indonesia with state-of-the-art web based technology.

These opportunities do not come around often!

Talk Show And News Producer


Male/ Female, age max 31
Minimum Bachelor Degree of Communication
At least 2 years experienced in the same field
Excellent in English and can communicate well, good interpersonal skill and honest
Able producing and designing music concept program and live talk show
Ever worked in TV station or radio is preferable

Does it sound like you? If the answer is yes, email us this following item in one A4 size PDF document (less than 2mb per submission) to :


Letter of Intent (Goal, Desired Position & Salary)

Copy of education diploma/schools/certificate/awards

Your Current photo (Decent, Front View, Max 1 months)+Valid Contact Information&Copy Valid ID

If you missed to submit any of the above items will be disqualified. No Calls or Drop-off!

Lowongan Account Executive DGtraffic-Google Advertising Certified Partner - Jakarta Raya

Posted: 19 May 2011 05:03 PM PDT

Do YOU have what it takes to WORK at Indonesia's First Google Advertising Certified Company?

DGtraffic - The Best Agency, South East Asia Googlies Award 2010 is hiring:

The Area: Online Advertising: You must be passionate with online advertising, You will accept only the best performance from yourself and your team. You're friendly, charming, self – motivated and have a strong interest in online advertising.

The ROLE: Account Executive - Online Advertising
To succeed in this role candidates must possess:

Account Executive
(Jakarta Raya)


Male / Female max. 25 Age
Related S1, with experienced background in advertising min. 1 year
Desire to maintain strong relationship with advertising clients
Proven record in advertising sales would be an advantage
Highly motivated, proactive and confident
Passion for, and authoritative knowledge of online advertising
Must be excellent in English (oral & written)
Extremely well-organized
Possesses skills in sales, research, and writing
Can multi-task, is a team player, and is creative and outgoing
Has excellent written and verbal communication skills
Must possess exceptional interpersonal and negotiation skills
We are seeking a confident, talented, self-motivated and highly result-oriented individual to join our team

Are you ready to join our most successful team? Please submit your complete resume and latest portfolio to:


Lowongan Design for Packaging Kalbe Nutritionals (Sanghiang Perkasa) - Jakarta Raya

Posted: 19 May 2011 05:02 PM PDT

We are a Leading Health Foods Company in Indonesia, looking for the best and the brightest candidates to join and grow with us as :

Design for Packaging
(Jakarta Raya)


Developing design packaging for Kalbe Nutritionals' products,
design registration, and artwork

Male or Female, max. 24 years old
Diploma Degree or bachelor degree (fresh graduate or experience) from Graphic Design or Creative Design from reputable university with min. GPA 3,00
Having knowledge and skill about printing and artwork
Creative, good integrity, good attitude, strong personality, discipline, and detail
Willing to learn something new
Good in communication

Please submit your application (include your sample design) to :
Gd.Graha Kirana Lt.5, Jl Yos Sudarso Kav.88 Sunter Jakarta Utara

Email : recruitment@kalbenutritionals.com

Lowongan Marketing Sales Officer (MSO) PT Gilang Mandiri Motor - Jakarta Raya

Posted: 19 May 2011 04:57 PM PDT

Dealer motor yang sedang berkembang, saat ini sedang membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk mengisi posisi:

Marketing Sales Officer (MSO)
(Jakarta Raya)


Pria usia maks 30 th
Pendidikan min SMU sederajat
Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri (sepeda motor)
Mempunyai SIM C
Supel, ramah, suka tantangan
Jujur, disiplin, bisa bekerja secara team
Siap bekerja under pressure
Memiliki kemampuan Selling

Walk in Interview

Hari Senin - Sabtu pkl. 09.30 s/d 15.00 wib

Jl.Muh Kahfi II No.40 Ciganjur
Jakarta Selatan 12640

Lowongan Merchandiser Fashion PT Ramayana Lestari Sentosa Tbk - Jakarta Raya

Posted: 19 May 2011 04:57 PM PDT

Kami merupakan salah satu perusahaan ritel terbesar di Indonesia bergerak dalam bidang Dept. Store & Supermarket, memberikan kesempatan berkarir kepada profesional muda yang dinamis penuh inisiatif dan kreatif untuk bergabung dan meniti karir di perusahaan kami dengan posisi sebagai berikut :

Merchandiser Fashion
(Jakarta Raya)


Usia maksimal 27 tahun
Pendidikan min. S1 semua jurusan
Fresh Graduate / Berpengalaman
Berpenampilan menarik
Menyukai Trend Fashion masa kini.
Dinamis, komunikatif dan kreatif

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda beserta CV, ijazah terakhir, transkip, foto terbaru dan nomor telp ke:

PT. Ramayana Lestari Sentosa, Tbk
Jl. Wahid Khasyim No 204-206
Gedung Surya Kencana, Tanah Abang
Jakarta Pusat 10250

email : sdm.recruitment@ramayana.co.id

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