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Friday, November 13, 2009

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Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Strategy Marketing Manager

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:20 PM PST

CV Bukit Baros Cempaka (Karya Titan Group)

Closing Date: 5-12-09

Perusahaan produksi yang bergerak dibidang dairy food di Jawa Barat, membutuhkan segera kandidat dinamis, siap tantangan dan professional untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut.

….. DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA ….. Strategy Marketing Manager
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria atau Wanita.
* Pendidikan S1 Marketing.
* Umur minimum 30 tahun.
* Bersedia di tugaskan keluar kota.
* Pengalaman 5 tahun sebagai Marketing & Strategy Marketing Manager untuk memasarkan produk makanan.

Kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV, Photo terakhir melalui e-mail : atau

maksimum: 5-12-09

Strategy Marketing Manager - Lowongan Kerja

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HR / Sales Force Development Manager

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:55 AM PST

The business of business should not just be about money, it should be about responsibility. It should be about public good, not private greed.”

Dame Anita Roddick. Human Rights Activist.
Founder of The Body Shop

If you interested to join in a company who cares about ethic and responsibilities to others, you are in the right place. We keep continue searching great people who believe in doing business in different ways. We are inviting highly motivated and enthusiastic professional candidates to join a well-established International Retail Brand Company to fill in the following positions : HR / Sales Force Development Manager

- Organizing and managing store sales force development including store staff recruitment, in house training and store staff development

- Male/Female around 27-30 years old
- Minimum Bachelor degree from reputable universities, preferably majoring in Law/Psychology
- Have at least 2-3 years working experiences in managing the above key functions (especially in recruitment and training) with significant successful track record (Retail background will be a huge advantage)
- Posses deep knowledge in recruitment, people development and also ability to implement various innovative to build integrative system development
- Strong analytical thinking, business leadership and good interpersonal skill and excellent communication in English both oral and written

Please send your application letter with complete resume and recent photograph (4×6), copy of ID Card, transcript of last universities and other important documents to
HR Recruitment & Selection
(UP : Winny/ Arika)
Sentosa Building
Jl. Prof. Dr. Satrio Blok A3/ 5, Bintaro Sektor 7
Tangerang - 15224

phone : (021) 7486 4567 ext 307/ 329
email to :

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Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:50 AM PST

We're open a new challenges for you, Young professional who have talent and motivation to join a world class company
We are invite you to join us as: LOGISTIC STAFF
- Hold Min Bachelor Degree in Engineering from Industrial Engineering is preferable
- Willing to be located in Bekasi
- Having experience in warehouse/ freash graduate are welcome
- Having Good Analitycal Thinking and Data Analyst
- Positive personality, excellent interpersonal skills and have the ability to build strong relationships quickly and easily
- Having Good Communication & Presentation Skill
- Computer literate (Min.Ms Excel)
- Willing to be Travelled

PT. Sinar Niaga Sejahtera – member of Tudung Group Is one of FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) distribution leader in Indonesia (member of Tudung Group). We're distributor All product form Garuda Food and other principal.

If you think you are the one, please send your comprehensive CV (max 150kb) to:

for more information about our company please visit

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Public Relation Vacancy Jakarta Oil Comp

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:40 AM PST

We are an oil company located at South Jakarta. To support our purpose company, we are looking for suitable
candidates to join our dynamic team. Public Relation Vacancy temporary, only for 3 months)

Requirements :
- Female, age between 23-28
- Candidate must possess at least a bachelor degree in from a reputable university
- Minimal GPA: 3.00
- Fluent in English
- Able to perform under pressure and committed to meet datelines
- Talkactive
- Creative and dynamic personality; able to adapt rapid changes in the work environment
- Have good understanding of computer (MS word, excel, power point & visio) and also internet
- Organize & have fast pace working attitude
- Must be willing to travel abroad
- Fast Learner
- Must be willing to work overtime
- Able to work in team
- Experience in oil and gas company; and knowing about government relationship would be an advantage.

Please send your CV, expected salary, and other supporting documents with subject (PR) before December, 9th 2009 to:

Human Resources Department
Jl. Tebet Raya No. 8-10
Jakarta Selatan, 12810

or by email:
only short listed applicants will be notified

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Front Office Staff Vacancy MARA RIVER SAFARI LODGE Bali

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:33 AM PST

MARA RIVER SAFARI LODGE is Bali Safari and Marine Park\’s hotel accommodation. It is a themed resort of a boutique luxury lodge in Bali filled with entertainment, activities, safari park, spa, elephant ride and more.
Now we are looking for competent candidates to fulfill the following positions as:
Front Office Staff, Qualifications:
- Indonesian Citizen
- Male or Female
- Max 25 years old
- Motivated & Energic
- Good Looking
- Graduated from Diploma Tourism Hospitality School
- Fresh graduated are welcome
- Good English (oral in Japan will be a highly advantage)
- Domicile in Gianyar or Denpasar

Reservation, Qualifications:
- Indonesian Citizen
- Male or Female
- Max 25 years old
- Graduated from Diploma or Sarjana Tourism Hospitality School
- Fresh graduated are welcome
- Can operate computer (Microsoft Office)
- have an experience in the same position
- Good English (oral in Japan will be a highly advantage)
- Domicile in Gianyar or Denpasar

Please send your CV with the code of position on your email subject immediately to: or
direct to HRD Mara River Safari Lodge,
Jl. Bypass Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra Km. 19,8 Gianyar 80551 - Bali – Indonesia Telp. +62. 361 747 500

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Receptionist Vacancy Sudirman

Posted: 12 Nov 2009 08:31 AM PST

We are located in Jl. Sudirman, South Jakarta and looking for: "Receptionist"
- Man or Woman max. 30 years old
- Honest, Dilligent, & Hard worker
- Good communication skill
- Good in English (min. passive)
- Customer oriented and good service attitude
- Fresh graduate are welcome

Please send your application letter + CV + photo + other necessary documents to
(Make sure that file the capacity not more than 1MB)

Please state your expected salary in the CV!!

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Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Informasi Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 12 Nov 2009 06:39 AM PST

KESEMPATAN KARIR Kami Perusahaan Multifinance di Indonesia dengan pertumbuhan yang sangat cepat, mengundang para profesional muda yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dan dinamis untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai : HRD Staff Area (HRD-A) Requirements: * Wanita / Pria * Maksimal usia 27 tahun * Pendidikan min. S1 jurusan Psikologi *Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Rekruter / Tester * Fresh...


Posted: 12 Nov 2009 06:14 AM PST

PT. DAYA KOBELCO CONSTRUCTION MACHINERY INDONESIA sebuah perusahaan perakitan dan penjualan alat-alat berat berskala internasional, membuka kesempatan belajar dan berkarir untuk para professional yang berjiwa muda, sebagai: MEKANIK (MECH) PERSYARATAN : · Pendidikan SMK/STM Otomotif/Mesin · Usia maks. 30 tahun · [...]


Posted: 11 Nov 2009 11:53 PM PST

Mitra kami, beberapa PERUSAHAAN NASIONAL yang berkembang pesat membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja dengan posisi dan kriteria untuk wilayah SURABAYA, SIDOARJO, dan sekitarnya sbb: 1. Staff Microbiologi (Wanita, sdkt mandarin, S-1Tek. Pangan) 2. Staff Administrasi kantor (Laki/Wanita, min SMA, bisa komputer) 3. Pengawas Lapangan / produksi (Laki, min SMA, pengalaman) 4. Kordinator Gudang distb....


Posted: 11 Nov 2009 11:45 PM PST

Dibutuhkan Web Based Software Developer: SAM Design mengajak Anda bergabung untuk maju dan berkembang sebagai tim software developer. SAM Design adalah perusahaan yang berpengalaman di dunia website, internet dan IT. Posisi pekerjaan di Surabaya. SAM Design,, adalah konsultan dalam pembuatan website beserta internet strateginya yang menjadikan website menjadi...


Posted: 11 Nov 2009 04:35 PM PST

Saat ini perusahaan kami sedang membutuhkan staff dengan kualifikasi sbb : Staff Administrasi Personalia - Wanita - Usia max 35 th - Belum menikah - Pendidikan min. D3 / fresh graduate - Bisa mengoperasikan komputer ( Ms. Office; word, excel ) - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi yang baik - ulet, mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan, dapat belajar dengan cepat Staff Purchasing - Pria / Wanita - Usia [...]


Posted: 11 Nov 2009 04:21 PM PST

Dibutuhkan segera : IT QA & IT HELPDESK (QAHD) Kualifikasi : - Min D3/S1 : IT/MIS/Telekommunikasi. - Pengalaman > 1 tahun - Berpengalaman dalam melakukan analisa system / QA - Pernah melakukan tester aplikasi - mengerti Database/Development oracle 8i,9i,10g, Toad 9,PLSQL - sanggup bekerja sendiri atau team. - suka dengan tantangan, disiplin, jujur, teliti, dan bertanggung jawab terhadap...


Posted: 11 Nov 2009 04:18 PM PST

PT. SOUTH PACIFIC VISCOSE   a Member of LENZING GROUP   (Multinational Company a Producers of Viscose Staple Fibers and Sodium Sulfate) Urgently Need a Position : Mechanic Utility Requirement STM-Mechanical/Air refrigeratorHaving an Experience in the same field at least 3 years Strong knowledge of service, repairing and overhauling of Chiller, Air Handling Unit(AHU), A/C, Compressor and Nitrogen...


Posted: 11 Nov 2009 04:15 PM PST

JOB VACANCY PT.ULTRA PRIMA ABADI Address : Jl. Arteri Kelapa No.22 Business Type : Manufacturer Product/Service : Foods,Oral Care Products PT.ULTRA PRIMA ABADI bergerak di bidang manufacture Selama lebih dari setengah abad, kami telah mengolah bahan-bahan dari sumber alam menjadi produk-produk berkualitas pilihan konsumen. dan saat ini PT.ULTRA PRIMA ABADI sedang membutuhkan tenaga...
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