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Wednesday, November 18, 2009 Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia

Secretary Vacancy for General Manager

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 08:45 AM PST

Our client is seeking a secretary for General Manager.
* Female, minimum age: 22 years old
* Minimum D3 degree any major (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
* Computer literate (ms-office and internet communication)
* Highly motivated, pleasant personality, open minded
* Able to work independently as well as in a team and well organized
* Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
* Fluent in English, both oral and written
* Willing to perform business trip and working overtime

Please send your resume (stating your current and expected salary),
any supporting documents and also your recent photographs to:

Due date:
November 30, 2009

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Data Processing Executive Vacancy

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 08:36 AM PST

DEKA Marketing Research, an independent full-service marketing research company in Indonesia and member of ESOMAR (the world leading organization that serves research into markets, consumers and societies), is currently looking for qualified people to fill the position of: Data Processing Executive (code: DPX11)
Location: Jakarta

- Male max. 28 years
- Min. D3 degree, major: Statistics, Mathematics, Teknik Informatika or System Informatika, GPA min. 3.00
- Strong analytical skills with excellent algorithm understanding
- Good attention to detail
- Familiar with or Adept at using statistical programs, processing data (SPSS, QPS, etc.) and MS Office
- Experience with software used to conduct online or computer-based surveys is a definite asset
- Good communication skill (both in English and Bahasa Indonesia)
- Willing to work extra hours
- Flexible and creative
- Experience in related position will be an advantage

For qualified candidate please submit your comprehensive CV to:

HR DepartmentDEKA Marketing ResearchJl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24A,Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta 12170 or email to: prior to November 24, 2009.

Please write the position code (DPX11) in the upper-right corner of your CV or in your email subject.
Email attachment should be in MS Word document (.doc) with max. 200 KB in size!

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Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 17 Nov 2009 12:17 AM PST

PT REXPLAST, a subsidiary of PT Dynaplast, Tbk and Hong Leong Asia is seeking: HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT OFFICER (Waru Based) The incumbent will be: - reporting to Human Resources Manager - responsible of administrative and operational in recruitment and training - working closely with personnel and other departments with qualifications as follow: - Male or female maximum 27 years old. - Graduated from reputable [...]


Posted: 16 Nov 2009 07:21 PM PST

URGENTLY REQUIRED We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfilled challenging positions : HRD Officer Requirements : Female, 21 – 35 years old Min. hold a Bachelor degree from reputable Universities with GPA 3.00 Preferably from Psychology or Business Administration background knowledge Having knowledge in Human Resource Development Having knowledge in telecommunication sector is preferable. Having strong leadership and able to [...]

Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Informasi Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 17 Nov 2009 03:15 AM PST

PT. HR Provider-member of SOS Indonesia adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultan Sumber Daya Manusia, memberi kesempatan bagi karyawan yang berminat untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut : SECURITY Penempatan BLITAR – JAWA TIMUR Persyaratan : * Laki-laki * Sehat Mental dan jasmani * Memiliki Kartu Tanda Anggota(KTA) * Pernah mengikuti pelatihan security dan memiliki...


Posted: 16 Nov 2009 07:24 PM PST

Sebuah perusahaan yang sedang berkembang pesat, mencari staff IT / Programer, dengan qualifikasi : Pendidikan D3 / S1 Pria / Wanita ( max 30 th ) Menguasai : - Query SQL - Cristal Report - ASP - IBM Server - Web Design Bersedia bekerja dalam tekanan dan waktu kerja yang flexible Mengerti tentang  system MLM ( menjadi nilai plus ) jika Anda memenuhi qualifikasi tersebut, kami [...]


Posted: 16 Nov 2009 07:10 PM PST

Membutuhkan tenaga kerja Telemarketing Representative Lokasi Kerja DKI Jakarta Persyaratan ·        Pria/Wanita ·        Pendidikan minimal Diploma (D3) / S1 semua jurusan ·        Memiliki minat tinggi di bidang penjualan ·        Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik dan jelas ·        Memiliki motivasi dan komitmen untuk sukses ·        Menyukai tantangan dan ambisius mencapai terget Kirimkan...


Posted: 16 Nov 2009 05:28 PM PST

*DIBUTUHKAN SEGERA* Kami adalah salah satu grup perusahaan pertambangan umum terbesar di Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat, berkantor pusat di Jakarta serta memiliki lokasi pertambangan di wilayah Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Maluku. Seiring dengan perkembangan bisnis saat ini, kami membutuhkan segera tenaga kerja untuk posisi: *Operator Alat Berat (OAB)* Persyaratan: * Laki-laki, usia...

Lowongan Time Internasional – Finance Staff

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 07:48 AM PST

URGENTLY REQUIRED We are a leading group dealing with luxury and watch jewelry product offering promising career opportunity to a dynamic individual who can make and impact our growing operation. We are currently seeking qualified and motivated professionals for the following positions: Finance Staff General Requirement: Female, max.25 years old. Bachelor degree, from Accounting or Computer Accounting. Fresh graduate with min. [...]

Lowongan Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta – Chief Security

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 07:36 AM PST

Hotel Grand Sahid Jaya Jakarta is currently seeking qualified candidate to fill the positions of : Chief Security Requirements: Male min age: 30 years max 40 years Field experience minimum 2 years in Hotel / Hospitality Industry Former member of the Indonesian Police Education certified Security & KTA Able-bodied or no tattoos Certificate of domicile (for ID card outside Jabotabek) SKCK Photocopy of valid Police Pas photo [...]

Lowongan Chevron November 2009 available for Recent Graduates Position

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 09:58 AM PST

lowongan chevron november 2009Lowongan Chevron November 2009, Chevron - Headquartered in San Ramon, California USA, operating in hundreds of countries, working in all aspects of business related to petroleum and natural gas, including exploration and production, oil refining, marketing and transportation; plant chemicals and their marketing and energy electricity. In Indonesia, Chevron works with BPMIGAS (Executing Agency Upstream Business Activities Oil and Gas) in the field of exploration and production and work with PERTAMINA in the field of geothermal energy and electricity. In order to keep maintaining the growth of the business continues to increase and strengthen the ability of the organization, Chevron in Indonesia at this time looking for new graduates or graduates-who have experienced.


Responsibilities :
Chevron is the world's leading geothermal energy company and operates the Darajat and Salak geothermal fields in West Java. This position is for a Reservoir Engineer or Production Engineer working as part of a cross-functional team to implement surveillance programs, optimize production, design workovers and stimulation programs, prepare drilling proposals, generate production forecasts, and create long-term Asset Development Plans. Work is on complex, naturally fractured reservoirs and frequently requires innovative solutions and making improvements to specialized engineering tools. Production Engineer positions are based in Garut and Reservoir Engineer Positions are based in Jakarta. SPECIAL CONSIDERATION: Previous geothermal experience is not required. The ideal candidate will have strong fundamentals in reservoir or production engineering and the desire to apply these skills in a challenging environment while also learning specialized geothermal tools and techniques.

Qualification :

* S1 Degree (S2/Master Degree will be an advantage) Majoring Petroleum Engineering or related engineering discipline with PE experience
* 4 years related experience in Oil and Gas or Geothermal Industry
* Strong fundamental skills in reservoir or production engineering with an understanding of other disciplines (earth science, facilities engineering, drilling engineering, operations).
* Detailed experience with reservoir surveillance, production optimization, workover/completion design, stimulation design, reservoir modeling, economic analysis, etc.
* Familiarity with standard software applications (such as Saphir, OFM/DSS, MBAL, Prosper, GAP, PEEP, VIP, Eclipse).
* Ability to work effectively on cross-functional teams, proactive in keeping team and management informed through clear written and verbal communications and presentations.


Responsibilities :
Jakarta-based coordinator for all seismic acquisition activities. Coordination includes interface among seismic acquisition requestor (Operating Unit customer), seismic acquisition contractor, field-based QC contractors, explosives contractor, Sumatra Geophysical Services team, and Jakarta Earth Science Operations team. This coordinator role will involve frequent trips to the operations area during acquisition. Coordination will include planning, contracting, field operations, and operations look-back phases.

Qualification :

* S1 Degree (S2/Master Degree will be an advantage) Majoring Geophysics Engineering
* Minimum 5 years of field seismic operations QC, preference given to onshore experience.
* Demonstrated proficiency in Health, Environment, and Safety planning, documentation, and monitoring.
* Proficient with Landmark and/or Petrel data management, seismic processing, and/or interpretation systems.
* Familiar with Oil & Gas Operations, Seismic Processing & Interpretation, Advanced Geology & Geophysics.
* Able to identify and resolve issues and problems with minimal supervision.
* Strong in exploiting technology by challenging paradigms; think expansively and evaluate multi-solutions
* Work Location: Jakarta with field visits to Riau and West Papua

More information Lowongan Chevron November 2009

Lowongan Program Pengembangan dari bank PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) tempat terbatas

Posted: 17 Nov 2009 09:43 AM PST

Lowongan Program Pengembangan dari bank PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) tempat terbatasPT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) was established in Bandung on February 5, 1958, originally called Bank Bank Pegawai Pensiunan Militer (BAPEMIL) with the status of business associations as entities that receive deposits and provide loans to its members. BAPEMIL aims to help ease the economic burden of retirees, both military and civilian.

Tanggal : 25 November 2009
Jam : 8:00 - selesai
Tempat : Kamus II Universitas Tarumanagara
Ruang Auditorium
Jl. Tanjung Duren Utara No. 1, Grogol
Jakarta - 11470

BTPN Management Development Program
(Job Code: MDP)

(Jakarta Raya)


* Fresh Graduate dari Universitas terkemuka
* IPK minimum 2.75
* Berpenampilan menarik, percaya diri, komunikasi baik dan motivasi tinggi
* Peserta harus mendaftar terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan nomor urut
* Pendaftaran harus disertakan : Ijazah, transkrip nilai, CV, KTP dan Pas Foto

Paling lambat 23 November 2009, melalui:

email ke:
(tuliskan Job Code : MDP di subject email)
Telepon ke: Ph. (021) 2556 7000 ext. 474

*Tempat terbatas

Kalo Mau lowongan perbankan Lainya ada di sini

Lowongan kerja sebagai Call Center di salah satu perusahaan perbankan

Posted: 16 Nov 2009 11:39 PM PST

Lowongan kerja sebagai Call CenterDGS HR SERVICES, salah satu konsultan SDM terdepan di Indonesia, saat ini salah satu klien kami yaitu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang Perbankan tengah membutuhkan tenaga kerja berpotensi, memiliki motivasi tinggi, dan semangat kerja yang besar untuk ditempatkan sebagai:



* Pria/Wanita, usia 30-35 tahun
* Telah Menikah
* Pendidikan min. D3 Ekonomi (Manajemen/Akuntansi/Perbankan), Komunikasi, Psikologi, FISIP, dengan IPK min. 2,75
* Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Call Center, Customer Services, Telemarketing, Teller
* Mampu berkomunikatif dalam bahasa Inggris (WAJIB)
* Komunikatif dan Persuasif
* Motivasi kerja tinggi dan mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
* Bersedia bekerja dengan sistem shifting

Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap ( CV ) dan Foto terbaru ( WAJIB ) kepada &

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