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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Lowongan Pekerjaan Guru Matematika

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 04:26 AM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

Closing Date: 22-9-09


Ceria Montessori School is seeking passionate and committed teacher who challenges to join our team as:

Math Teacher
(Jakarta Raya)


Candidate must possess at least an Associate degree or Bachelor’s Degree
Graduated from reputable University all over Indonesia
Excellent written and spoken English is a must
Love Children, Good mentoring and coaching skills
At least 1 year experience in teaching is preferable
Fresh graduated/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply
We treat our candidate resume in strictly confidential and professional manner. If your qualifications meet our requirements please send your complete resume in English with the most recent photograph and expected salaries to :

Simprug Golf III Kav. 73
Jakarta Selatan 12220

Lowongan Pekerjaan Guru Matematika - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
»» Klik Disini ««

Lowongan Pekerjaan Staf Keuangan di Jakarta

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 04:22 AM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

Closing Date: 1-10-09

MRA Printed Media Group (, membutuhkan profesional muda untuk bergabung sebagai:

Finance Staff (Kode: FIN)
(Jakarta Raya)


Wanita, maksimal usia 25 tahun, S1 Ekonomi / Akuntansi dengan min IPK 2.50, terbuka untuk fresh graduate, menyukai bidang administrasi keuangan/ akuntansi, teliti, rapih, sehat, enerjik, bisa bekerja dengan jadual ketat. menguasai Microsoft Office terutama MS Excel.

Kualifikasi Umum

Sehat jasmani dan rohani, bertanggung jawab, jujur, kreatif, dewasa dan berjiwa positif, dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik, energik, disiplin, cepat, detail dan rapi dalam bekerja, serta bisa bekerja dengan baik dalam tim dengan jadwal ketat.

Bagi anda yang memenuhi persyaratan diatas, kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, ijasah terakhir, transkrip nilai terakhir, photo terbaru serta Portfolio ke :

HR Department
Wisma Kosgoro Lt. 6, Jl. MH. Thamrin No.53
Jakarta Pusat -10350
atau Email :

ME, SE, REP wajib sertakan Portofolio

MOHON KIRIM APPLIKASI DALAM FORMAT *pdf dan tidak lebih besar dari 1 Mb

Cantumkan kode posisi di sudut kanan atas amplop atau di subject email dan hanya yang memenuhi syarat akan diproses.

Lowongan Pekerjaan Staf Keuangan di Jakarta - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
»» Klik Disini ««

Lowongan Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager

Posted: 02 Sep 2009 03:51 AM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

PT Bhakti Investama Tbk, one of the largest investment companies throughout Indonesia, owning business activities which cover a wide array and various business sectors, among others the sectors of Financial Services, Multimedia and Broadcasting, Information Technology and Investment Portfolios, is currently seeking for visionary, high integrity, and persistence people to fill the following positions as :

Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager
(Jakarta Raya)


Assist Finance & Accounting Manager in financial activity, i.e in budget planning activity and analysis, in Financial Statement Analysis, including giving review and sugestion.
Monitor daily financial activities & transactions
Reviews and ensures tax compliance and reporting as well as reconciliations

Male/Female, age max. 35 years and holds minimum bachelor/master's degree in Finance or Accounting from a reputable University
Minimum 6 years working experience in Finance, Accounting and Taxation, and 4 years among them in Public Accounting Firm
Has excellent knowledge in Bapepam and IDX regulations, also accounting standard and tax regulations in Indonesia
Fluent in English, both oral and written, computer literate, especially in Windows, Microsoft Office (Words, Excell, Power Point) and Internet
Strong analytical and strategic thinking, high achievement, and leadership
High integrity and ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines.
Good personality, communication, and ability to interact with all levels of people.
1 Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
If you are confident to meet our requirements, send your complete application & recent photograph to:

HR Department
PT. Bhakti Investama, Tbk
Menara Kebon Sirih 4th floor
Jl. Kebon Sirih No. 17-19
Jakarta 10340 - Indonesia
E-mail to:

Closing Date: 1-10-09

Lowongan Finance & Accounting Assistant Manager - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
»» Klik Disini «« Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia

Tawada Healthcare MT & Technical Support Vacancy

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:58 AM PDT

To join our team to promote the most admired and highly innovative healthcare equipment in the medical world, the GE Ultrasound, for the following position:

General Requirements
-Graduated from reputable university with GPA min 3.00.
-Male/female, age below 30 years.
-Fluency in verbal and written English is a must, computer literate.

Please submit your complete CV, copy of relevant documents and recent photo within 2 weeks of this advertisement to
PT Tawada Healthcare
Rukan Permata Senayan Blok A 18-19
Jl.Tenatara Pelajar No.5
Jakarta Selatan 12210

Or through
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

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David Brown Country Manager-Indonesia Vacancy

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:24 AM PDT

Our client, David Brown Gear Systems, is a UK headquarter firm offering highly engineered products such as Transmission Units and Geared Motors. They have manufacturing and sales offices all over the world and currently want to expand in Indonesia. Therefore David Brown is I need of a high caliber individual for the role of:
Country Manager-Indonesia (K/949)
The incumbent is expected to start from zero and build a successful sales business in the shortest possible time. The main purpose is to grow sales in Indonesia by maintaining existing customers and developing new customers, to assist in selecting industrial segments to provide growth and to uncover new business opportunities.
To be a successful candidate, you must meet the following criteria:
-Possess strong understanding of the Indonesia market, preferably in heaving process industries, such as Oil & Gas, Mining, Steel Manufacturing, Tyre Manufacturing, Cement Manufacturing and Power Generation.
-Having min 3 years in a sales environment with practical involvement in business development
-Previous experience in running a business team or other relevant people management skills
-Holding a tertiary qualifications (S1) in Mechanical Engineering
-Highly motivated and ability to lead continuous improvement is desirable
-Fluent English

To apply, please email your comprehensive resume (not more than 500 Kb and in English) before the closing date of 14 th September 2009, quoting the reference number K/949 to or

Your applications will be treated with the strictest of confidence.

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APL CARE Vaccine Sales Vacancies 2009

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:21 AM PDT

PT.Anugerah Pharmindo Lestari (APL), one of the leading pharmaceuticals distribution company in Indonesia is seeking high caliber individuals to join us as:
Min Requirements
-D3/S1 in any background (1,2)
-Preferably having experience in selling vaccine product (1,2)
-Energetic, result oriented person, aggressive , high initiative ,self driven (1,2)
-Experience in handling a group sales force (1)
-Strong team leader, people management skill, customer focused (1)
-Driving license (SIM A) (1)
-Driving license (SIM C) and own motorcycle (2)
Work location
Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, Bandung, Cirebon, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabya, Malang, Jember, Medan, Pekanbaru, Batam, Padang, Palembang, Jambi, Bandarlampung, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Samarinda, Manado.Makasar, Denpasar.

We offer opportunities to expand future career and attractive remuneration package. If you meet the requirements and are looking for a challenging job with career development prospect, please send your CV 9not later than 2 weeks after this ads) to
Graha Atrium Lt 12
Jl.Senen Raya No.135 Jakarta 10410
We implement a strict internal system to keep applications highly confidential.

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Footwear Development Engineer (Lacoste)

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:20 AM PDT

A multinational company with international brands in apparel & footwear (Lacoste, Ted Baker,, Speedo, Ellesse, Kickers, etc ) is looking for: Footwear Development Engineer (Lacoste)
-At least 1-5 years solid experience as a developer in footwear industry (International Brand is highly preferred).
-Must have experience of brown shoes, casual moccasin, dress suite or formal footwear.
-High English proficiency in both oral and written.
-Good computer literate.

Only candidates who meet the qualifications will be considered. Please send comprehensive CV, photo, state expected salary

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Senayan City Vacancies September 2009

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 09:17 AM PDT

Senayan City invites energetic, dedicated & competent candidates to be part of the winning team in the following positions
Business Development Supervisor & Officer
-Analytical skill
-Familiar with AutoCad, Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator will be an advantage.
Promotion Creative Design Supervisor & Officer
Familiar with AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator or Graphic Software.
Property Services Supervisor & Officer (Apartment)
Having experience in Apartment/Hotel/Office
Customer Service Officers (Mall)
Good appearance, pleasant personality and able to work in shift duty.

General Requirements
-Min 3 years experience in the same position for supervisor.
-Min 1 year experience or fresh graduate for officer.
-Computer literate (Ms Office).
-Fluent in English, written a& oral is a must.

Please send your CV and recent photograph on or before October 1 st 2009
Office: PT.Manggala Gelora Perkasa
Human Resources Department
Senayan City Managament Office

Jl.Asia Afrika Lot-19, Jakarta 10270.

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Info Lowongan Kerja Terbaru PT. Pembangkit Jawa-Bali

( 30/08/2009 )
Pengumuman OJT Angkatan 3 Tahun 2009
Pengumuman OJT Angkatan 3 Tahun 2009

Pengumuman Rekrutmen Calon Siswa OJT PT PJB

Tingkat D3/D1 Tahun 2009

PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali sebagai salah satu Anak Perusahaan PT PLN (Persero) yang bergerak dalam bidang Pembangkitan Listrik di Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putra terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung sebagai Tenaga Teknik Operasi dan Pemeliharaan PT PJB melalui Program On the Job Training (OJT), dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :


1. Pendidikan

§ D3 : Jurusan Listrik/Elektronika/Instrumentasi (DL), Mesin (DM)

§ D1 / SMK 4 thn : Jurusan Listrik/Elektronika/Instrumentasi /Komputer (JL), Mesin (JM)

2. Batas Usia

§ D3 : Kelahiran tahun 1986 dan sesudahnya

§ D1 / SMK 4 thn : Kelahiran tahun 1988 dan sesudahnya

3. Nilai Akademis

§ D3 : IPK minimal 2,75

§ D1 : IPK minimal 2,75 dan harus berasal dari SMA IPA atau SMK Jurusan Listrik/Mesin/ Elektronika/ Instrumentasi/Komputer

§ SMK 4 thn : Nilai rata – rata UAN minimal 7 (tujuh), dengan nilai matematika min. 7 (tujuh)

4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki – laki

5. Status : Belum menikah

6. Kondisi Fisik :

§ Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja)

§ Tinggi Badan minimal 160 cm, berat badan proporsional

§ Tidak buta warna

§ Bebas narkoba

§ Tidak bertato & tidak bertindik

§ Bagi yang berkacamata, toleransi maksimal 4 dioptri.


1. Pelamar terlebih dahulu mengisi aplikasi online yang terdapat di website PT PJB ( link karir, selanjutnya mencetak form isian CV tersebut.

2. Pelamar mengirimkan Lamaran dengan mencantumkan Kode Jurusan yang dipilih sesuai butir I.1 diatas

pada sampul surat lamaran (pojok kanan atas), dengan menyertakan kelengkapan berkas :

a. Surat lamaran

b. Form isian CV yang terdapat di website PT PJB, yang telah diisi lengkap dan dicetak (hard copy)

c. Copy ijasah :

§ D1 / SMK 4 thn : SD, SMP, SMA/SMK 4 th, D1

§ D3 : SD, SMP, SMA/ SMK, D3

(Copy ijasah pendidikan terakhir harus dilegalisir)

d. Copy transkrip/daftar nilai terakhir yang telah dilegalisir

e. Copy KTP dan akte kelahiran

f. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 (dua) lembar

g. Surat Keterangan sehat terbaru dan tidak buta warna dari dokter umum

h. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang masih berlaku

i. Melampirkan pernyataan diri di atas meterai Rp. 6.000,- tentang :

§ Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB dan bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas selama 4 (empat) tahun secara berturut-turut sejak menjalani On the Job Training (OJT).

§ Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya.

§ Bagi yang mempunyai ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat pendidikan yang dilamar, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.

§ Sanggup menunda pernikahan selama masa On the Job Training (OJT) 1 tahun.

§ Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat/ikatan dinas.

j. Pendaftaran/ lamaran ditujukan kepada :




Kotak Pos/PO BOX. 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya


1. Lamaran diterima via Kotak Pos paling lambat tanggal 11 September 2009 (Cap Pos Pengiriman).

2. Pelamar diperbolehkan mengajukan lamaran hanya pada satu jurusan.

3. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan seleksi berlangsung.

4. Seluruh proses seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar agar mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam proses seleksi ini.

5. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.

6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.

Hasil Seleksi Administratif/panggilan Seleksi Tahap 2 akan diumumkan pada akhir bulan September 2009.


1. Proses rekrutmen menggunakan sistem gugur, dengan tahapan sebagai berikut :

§ Seleksi Administrasi

§ Seleksi Kesamaptaan

§ Seleksi Akademis & Bahasa Inggris

§ Seleksi Psikologi

§ Seleksi Wawancara Kompetensi

§ Seleksi Kesehatan

2. Panggilan peserta dan lokasi tes untuk setiap tahap seleksi akan diumumkan melalui Website PT PJB (


Info Lowongan: “Vacancy for Recruitment Staff (RS-J)” plus 3 more

Info Lowongan: “Vacancy for Recruitment Staff (RS-J)” plus 3 more

Vacancy for Recruitment Staff (RS-J)

Posted: 01 Sep 2009 06:37 PM PDT

BUILD YOUR CAREER WITH US! We are a leading domestic pharmaceutical company and currently expanding into international market. With aggressive Marketing team, therefore we are establishing a strong HR team that requires : Recruitment and Selection Staff ( RS-J) Requirements : Bachelor degree in...

Bantu eksistensi situs ini dengan mengklik iklan kotak diatas. Terima kasih

vacancy Accounting Staff (based: JKT)

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 09:00 PM PDT

URGENT VACANCY : Accounting Staff PT Tri Wahana Universal is a National Company in Oil Refinery business located at Bojonegoro, East Java. As the First Established Private Company in Oil Refinery in Indonesia, We highly committed to be the foremost Oil Company in the country through our product...

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Vacancy Sales & Promotion Manager (INDOCARE GROUP)

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 08:13 PM PDT

Established in 1988, PT. Indocare Citrapasific started its business as a marketing company of imported health food and transparent soap. In accordance with company’s mission to provide holistic approach to human well-being, we have wide range and worldwide products, such as HOLISTICARE...

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vacancy Event & Entertainment dan Basketball Operation – DBL Indonesia

Posted: 31 Aug 2009 07:08 PM PDT

In 2004, DetEksi Jawa Pos started the DetEksi Basketball League (DBL) in Surabaya. It is the first league in Indonesia to promote the Student Athlete concept. Where a player's academic performance is just as important –if not more important– than his or her performance on the basketball...

Bantu eksistensi situs ini dengan mengklik iklan kotak diatas. Terima kasih

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 31 Aug 2009 06:49 PM PDT

Urgently needed 1. Personal Secretary 2. Project Management Admin Requirement - Female (1) - Male / Female (2) - Fluent English, written [...]


Posted: 31 Aug 2009 06:26 PM PDT

Urgently Required: Programmer and Application Support Oracle Form Developer Petrodata System located in Wisma Mulia, South Jakarta, is looking for a Programmer and Application Support Oracle Form Developer (App Eng – Oracle): * At least a Bachelor’s Degree * Well versed in Accounting, Finance, Human Resources and Purchasing * Oracle Developer Programming, toad for oracle & sqlplus (mandatory) * Proficient in [...]


Posted: 31 Aug 2009 06:24 PM PDT

Are you, or maybe you know this person who are: 1. Male/Female not more than 30 yo (preferable not married, yet) 2. At least 2 (two) years experience in similar position within a Below The Line Agency or Event Organizer environment or from Media or any communication company. 3. Happy throwing ideas when doing a brainstorming session, smart [...]
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