Lowongan kerja Apoteker, Finance, Front Office Min SMK di Gleni International Hospital Medan Posted: 08 Jul 2009 10:47 PM PDT Lowongan pekerjaan, Kami sebuah rumah sakit Internasional di Medan dan telah memiliki sertifikat ISO, dengan ini membuka kesempatan untuk menduduki posisi sebagai berikut: 1. Chief of nursing / kepala perawat 2. Perawat OR dan ICU 3. Apoteker 4. Finance 5. Front Office 6. Analis Laboratorium 1. Chief of nursing / kepala perawat
* Lulusan S1 Keperawatan * Pengalaman minimal 5 tahun di Rumah Sakit sebagai kepala perawat * Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan yang tinggi * Menguasai dan memahami prosedur medis
2. Perawat OR dan ICU
* Lulusan D3 keperawatan * Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di ruang ICU / OR dan atau dibidang keperawatan di Rumah Sakit
3. Apoteker
* Lulusan S1 Farmasi dan pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di RS/Apotik
4. Finance
* Lulusan S1 akuntansi, mampu berbahasa Inggris dan Mandarin * Mampu menyusun laporan keuangan serta memiliki pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
5. Front Office
* Lulusan D3 semua jurusan * Mampu berbahasa Inggris dan Mandarin lebih disukai * Memiliki komputer skill
6. Analis Laboratorium
* Lulusan Minimal SMAK, lebih disukai lulusan akademi * Pernah home service minimal 2 tahun * Mengetahui dan dapat mengerjakan pemeriksaan rutin serta mampu mengoperasikan Alldyn dan Axsym
Dengan persyaratan umum sebagai berikut: 1. Pria/wanita usia 18-25 tahun (point 2,5 dan belum menikah), 24-30 tahun (1,3 dan 4) dan pria usia >25 tahun (6) 2. Mampu mengoperasikan komputer minimal Ms. Office 3. Memiliki surat ijin kerja (1,2,3,6) 4. Jujur, disiplin dan bertanggung jawab serta displin kerja yang tinggi 5. Mampu berbahasa Inggris minimal pasif
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan lamaran, daftar riwayat hidup dan pas photo.
Tuliskan posisi disudut kanan amplop lamaran.
Kirimkan lamaran anda ke:
Human Resources Department Gleni International Hospital Jl. Listrik No. 2A Medan
Closing date: July 10, 2009  
Lowongan kerja terbaru ORANGTUA GROUP, Semarang, Surabaya, Tangerang, Jakarta Raya Posted: 08 Jul 2009 10:47 PM PDT Lowongan kerja terbaru, ORANGTUA GROUP, a group of fast moving manufacturing companies dealing with food & beverage and consumer products. We are well known with our products such as Anggur Orang Tua, Tango Wafer, Oops, Formula, Vita Charm, Kayaking peanuts, Kiranti. In order to accelerate our business growth, we invite dynamic and motivated professionals to join our outstanding team as: - Brand Manager (Jakarta Raya) - Management Trainee (Jabodetabek) - Head of Section in QC (Semarang, Surabaya or Tangerang) - Secretary for Managing Director (Jakarta Raya)
Brand Manager (Jakarta Raya)
- The candidate will be responsible for building and maintaining brand image which include; developing and implementing marketing concept and strategy, achieving sales target, managing market research and product launching. In addition, he / she must be able to build and maintain good relationship with distributor, agent, and consumers.
- Male / Female, age between 25-35 years old - S1/S2 degree from reputable university, majoring in Marketing Management or Engineering (Industrial, Food -Technology, Chemical) with min. GPA 3.50 or 3.00 with academic achievement and/or organizational experience. - Minimum 3 years experience in related position, preferable in consumer goods. - Possess strong managerial, leadership, interpersonal skill and self – motivated. - Good command in English (both written and spoken) would be an advantage.
Management Trainee (Jabodetabek)
- Hold Bachelor degree graduates from Reputable Universities, majoring in Management, Engineering (Industrial, Electrical, Mechanical, Civil), Food Technology, Chemistry, Informatics, Pharmacy, Accounting with min. final GPA 3.50 or 3.00 with record of academic achievements. S2 graduates are welcome to apply - Single, age between 22 – 25 years old - Computer literate (MS Office) is a must - Good English communication both oral and written - Good health (proven by Statement from a trusted Medical Practitioner ) - Posses strong leadership, communication and interpersonal skill - Self-motivated, resilient and persistent, also willing to learn and grow - Willing to be stationed at anywhere of our Corporate locations (Jabodetabek area) - Willing to join training program held at anywhere of our Corporate branches (Jabodetabek area)
Head of Section in QC (Semarang, Surabaya or Tangerang)
- Minimum Bachelor degree graduates majoring in Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Pharmacy or Food Technology with min. GPA 3.50 or 3.00 with record of academic achievement and/or organizational experience. - Female, age between 23 -27 years old, with min 1 year experience. - Good communication, possess interpersonal skill and self motivation. - Willing to be located in : Semarang, Surabaya or Tangerang.
Secretary for Managing Director (Jakarta Raya)
- Hold min Diploma degree graduates in Secretary or Bachelor degree graduates from all majors with min GPA 3.50 or 3.00 with record of academic achievement and/or organizational experience - Maximum age 27 years old, with min 2 years experience in related field - Willing to be placed in Jakarta - Computer literate (Excel, Word and Power point) is a must - Good administration skill
How to Apply:
Send your resume detail, CV, recent photograph (4×6), a copy of identity card, university transcript, references and High school diploma to:
HRD PO BOX 1778 JKP 10017 Or by email to : recruitment@orangtua.co.id
Put the position code on the upper left of envelope.
Deadline: 31 July 2009  