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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lowongan kerja BUMN SLTA dan Jenjang Diploma PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Agustus 2009

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 07:37 PM PDT

Lowongan kerja BUMN Agustus 2009Lowongan kerja Agustus, PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero), perusahaan pengelola jasa kebandarudaraan dan pelayanan lalu lintas udara di kawasan Barat Indonesia, mengundang Anda yang mempunyai semangat, integritas tinggi, ulet, dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir menjadi Tenaga PKWT untuk posisi:

Jenjang SLTA

1. Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara (Aviation Security)
2. Pelaksana Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran/ PKP-PK (Fire Fighting & Rescue)

Jenjang Diploma

1. Pelaksana Apron Movement Control
2. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services -- ATC
3. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services -- AIS
4. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services -- FSO
5. Pelaksana Teknik Elektronika
6. Pelaksana Teknik Listrik Mekanikal & Peralatan (TLMP)
7. Pelaksana Teknik Umum
8. Personalia dan Umum -- Pelaksana Personalia
9. Personalia dan Umum -- Pelaksana Humas
10. Personalia dan Umum -- Arsiparis
11. Personalia dan Umum -- Perawat Umum dan Gigi
12. Keuangan dan Akuntansi
13. Pelaksana Komersial

A. Sumber Umum;

1. Batas usia:
* Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 22 tahun (lahir antara Agustus 1987 – Agustus 1991) bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan SLTA;
* Usia minimal 18 tahun dan maksimal 24 tahun (lahir antara Agustus 1985 – Agustus 1991) dengan pendidikan SLTA yang telah memiliki SKP/STKP (Surat Tanda Kecakapan Personil);
* Usia maksimal 24 tahun (lahir setelah Agustus 1985) bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan D2,;
* Usia maksimal 28 tahun (lahir setelah Agustus 1981) bagi pelamar dengan pendidikan D3/S1.
2. Belum menikah yang dinyatakan oleh pejabat yang berwenang, serendah-rendahnya oleh Lurah;
3. IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4) bagi pelamar tingkat D2, D3 / S1;
4. Rata-rata nilai di STTB atau nilai Ujian Akhir Nasional adalah 7 bagi pelamar tingkat SLTA;
5. Berbadan sehat yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Dokter dan tidak berkacamata/contact lens untuk fungsi PAM, PKP-PK, ATS dan AMC;
6. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
7. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II;
8. Mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi.

B. Sumber Internal/Outsourcing

1. Merupakan karyawan dari perusahaan outsourcing di lingkungan PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)/PT AP II;
2. Usia minimal 18 tahun maksimal 35 tahun (lahir antara Agustus 1991 – Agustus 1974);
3. IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4) bagi pelamar tingkat D3/S1;
4. Berbadan sehat yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Dokter dan tidak berkacamata/contact lens untuk fungsi PAM, PKP-PK, ATS dan AMC;
5. Berkelakuan baik yang dinyatakan oleh Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian;
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT AP II;
7. Mengikuti seluruh tahapan seleksi


1. Pelaksana Pengamanan Bandara (Aviaton Security)
1. Pria/Wanita;
2. Pendidikan SLTA (Umum/Kejuruan);
3. Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm (untuk pria) dan 160 cm (untuk wanita);
4. Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
2. Pelaksana Pertolongan Kecelakaan Penerbangan – Pemadam Kebakaran / PKP-PK (Fire Fighting & Rescue)
1. Pria;
2. Pendidikan SLTA (Umum/ Kejuruan Teknik);
3. Tinggi badan 165 cm;
4. Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
3. Pelaksana Apron Movement Control / AMC
1. Pria;
2. Pendidikan D3 Teknik, Manajemen Operasi Bandar Udara, Penerbangan/Transportasi Udara, Administrasi;
3. Tinggi badan minimal 165 cm;
4. Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
4. Pelaksana Air Traffic Services - ATC/AIS/FSO
1. Pria/Wanita;
2. Pendidikan D2 Pengatur Lalu Lintas Udara (RLLU) / D2 Pengatur Penerangan Aeronautika (RPA); D2 Pengatur Kompen (RKP/FSO), D3 PLLU, D3 PPA, dan memiliki SKP Junior ATC/AIS/FSO;
3. Tidak buta warna dan tidak berkaca mata/contact lens.
5. Pelaksana Teknik Elektronika;
1. Pria/Wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Teknik Elektronika/Navigasi Udara/Informatika;
3. Tidak buta warna.
6. Pelaksana Teknik Listrik Mekanikal & Peralatan / TLMP
1. Pria/Wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Teknik Listrik/Mekanikal (Elektro);
3. Tidak buta warna.
7. Pelaksana Teknik Umum
1. Pria/Wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Teknik Sipil;
3. Tidak buta warna.
8. Personalia & Umum
1. Pelaksana Personalia
1. Pria/wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Administrasi/Manajemen Informatika/Ilmu Sosial;
3. Tidak buta warna
2. Pelaksana Humas
1. Pria/wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Humas/Public Relation;
3. Tidak buta warna
3. Arsiparis
1. Pria/wanita;
2. Pendidikan SLTA dan telah mengikuti Pelatihan Arsiparis;
3. Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidangnya;
4. Tidak buta warna.
4. Perawat Umum dan Gigi
1. Pria/wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Perawat Umum/Gigi;
3. Pengalaman 3 tahun di bidangnya;
4. Tidak buta warna.
9. Pelaksana Keuangan & Akuntansi
1. Diutamakan Pria;
2. Pendidikan D3 Manajemen Keuangan/Akuntansi/Perpajakan;
3. Tidak buta warna.
10. Pelaksana Komersial
1. Pria/Wanita;
2. Pendidikan D3 Ekonomi Manajemen/Administrasi/Ilmu Sosial;
3. Tidak buta warna.

Selengkapnya Baca di sini

Lowongan kerja STM, D3, S1 teknik mesin di PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 10:00 AM PDT

PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC)PT Kaltim Prima Coal (KPC) operates a coal mine in Sengata East Kalimantan and is one of the largest export coal mines in the world. Opportunity exists for a seasoned, high caliber, professional to join the Company with job Assignment in Sengata-East Kalimantan for the positions of:

Planner (Code: Plan)
Key elements of the position include:

* Maintain the equipment and component registers.
* Control the Work Order and Maintenance Scheduling systems.
* Maintain the standard jobs system to ensure that equipment services are organized to minimize disruption to the Mining activities.
* Maintain the application parts lists for services as directed by the Maintenance Superintendent.
* Accountable for producing four monthly overhaul plans to facilitate the departments' equipment pre-overhaul planning (EPOP) process.
* Accountable for the ordering of parts for all overhauls schedule in the equipment pre-overhaul planning (EPOP) process.
* Maintain equipment reference manuals, Standard overhaul plans and Down time statistics in modular dispatch system.
* Monitor and control data integrity for the Costing and budgeting process.
* Develop detail job scope for schedule major maintenance.

Qualifications & Experience :

* Minimum STM or equivalent with 8 (eight) years experience in Maintenance Planning including 3-5 years supervisory role experience in maintenance or heavy equipment activities. (Diploma 3 or S1 in Mechanical Engineering with 3 years experience in maintenance or heavy equipment activities is preferable)
* Good mechanical knowledge of mining or heavy equipment, supply warehouse procedures and KPC maintenance policy manual.
* General computers skills such as MS Windows, Excel, Word, MS Project and Ellipse.
* Planning, Scheduling and decision making skills.
* Good interpersonal and communication skills (written & oral) in both Bahasa Indonesia and English.
* Posses "Pengawas Operational Pratama" certification from Directorate General of Mining and Energy is preferable.

If your background meets these requirements, forward your resume (including details of present positions & remuneration and your latest color photograph) no later than 18 August 2009 to the following address:

Selengkapnaya di sini

Lowongan kerja PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) penempatan Banjarmasin

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 10:00 AM PDT

Lowongan kerja PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) penempatan BanjarmasinLowongan pekerjaan, PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) merupakan Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) yang berperan sebagai fasilitator dalam perkembangan Pasar Modal Indonesia. Guna mengembangkan Pasar Modal Indonesia di daerah-daerah potensial melalui sosialisasi dan edukasi Pasar Modal kepada masyarakat , saat ini kami mencari professional yang kompeten dan berminat untuk ditempatkan di Pusat Informasi Pasar Modal (PIPM) Banjarmasin , untuk posisi sebagai berikut :

Kuasa Perwakilan Pusat Informasi Pasar Modal (PIPM) (Kode: KP/PIPM/B)

Menjadi representasi PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (PT BEI) di daerah setempat dengan melakukan kegiatan sosialisasi & edukasi pasar modal serta produk Bursa Efek Indonesia, membina hubungan baik dengan berbagai pihak di daerah (Pemerintah Daerah, Asosiasi Bisnis, Perusahaan Daerah, dan Perusahaan Sekuritas) serta bekerjasama dengan pihak-pihak tersebut dalam rangka mendukung pengembangan Pasar Modal daerah.

Persyaratan Kuasa Perwakilan :

- Laki-laki, 27 - 30 tahun
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Banjarmasin /berdomisili di Banjarmasin akan lebih diutamakan
- S1/S2 Ekonomi/Komunikasi dari Universitas ternama, IPK min 3,00
- Memiliki pengetahuan yang luas dalam bidang ekonomi khususnya pasar modal
- Pengalaman kerja 1-5 tahun, memiliki pengalaman di bidang pasar modal dan bidang finansial/investasi akan lebih diutamakan
- Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
- Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dalam tim
- Memiliki motivasi dan keinginan yang kuat untuk berkembang
- Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
- Memiliki keterampilan mengelola kegiatan/event organizer
- Komunikasi dan kemampuan presentasi baik

Staf Administrasi Pusat Informasi Pasar Modal (PIPM) (Kode: ADM/PIPM/B)

Bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan administrasi PIPM, pengelolaan petty cash dan anggaran, pelayanan kunjungan publik dan pengelolaan perpustakaan serta membantu kegiatan sosialisasi dan edukasi Pasar Modal yang dilakukan oleh PIPM.

Persyaratan ADM :

- Perempuan , usia 22 – 25 tahun
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Banjarmasin / berdomisili di Banjarmasin akan lebih diutamakan
- Pendidikan D3/S1 Ekonomi /Administrasi/Komunikasi, IPK minimal 3,00
- Memiliki integritas dan komitmen terhadap tugas serta tanggung jawab yang tinggi
- Memiliki jiwa dan kemampuan pelayanan yang baik
- Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim
- Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi yang baik
- Mempunyai pemahaman yang baik dan cekatan dalam pengelolaan sistem administrasi, laporan keuangan, dan kesekretariatan
- Menguasai Ms. Office (Ms. Word, Excel, Power Point)

Jika Anda memiliki kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan surat lamaran, CV, fotokopi ijasah, transkrip akademik, dan foto berwarna (4×6) 1 lembar sebelum tanggal 30 Agustus 2009, ke alamat:

Email :


Divisi SDM
PT Bursa Efek Indonesia
Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower I, Lt. 6
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53
Jakarta 12190

Tuliskan Kode Lamaran Anda pada pojok kanan atas Surat Lamaran atau pada subject email. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan kami proses lebih lanjut.

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru


Posted: 08 Aug 2009 10:15 PM PDT

We are seeking for professional to fill the vacant position as Admin Executive/Secretary- Female max.28 yrs - Representable person - Excellent negotiation skill, innovative and target oriented - Excellent communication skills - Fluency in English ( Both Oral and Written ) - 2 years experiences in related field would be an advantage - Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply Please bring application, CV, & recent photograph to : PO BOX 8899, JKPWR, Jakarta 10220A, Indonesia or Email...

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Experienced IT STAFF Vacancy

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 09:56 AM PDT

We are a retail company, is currently looking for an experienced IT STAFF.
Working closely with the IT Manager, the successful candidate will involve in managing and maintaining the company ERP system running smoothly, implementing system for Stores and branches, Develop tools for reporting and data mining, trouble shooting hardware, software, server and workstation.

Qualification :
Graduate from Information & Technology or other relevant discipline. A minimum 3 years full-time experience in the same position, Strong knowledge in programming and data base ; VB,, SQL server, familiar with crystal reports.

If this opportunity sounds like you, please send your resume today to :

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Posted: 08 Aug 2009 09:54 AM PDT

Arthapati is currently inviting potential candidates who feel passionate and are highly desired in growing with our company through contributing your skills and experiences in these following challenging positions:

Detail Qualification:
- Min. Associate Degree from computer science
- Has experience in the same field as Help desk (fresh graduated are encouraged to apply)
- Can work in Windows 9x, 2000, or XP environment.
- Expert in Windows and Ms Office.
- Familiar with ORACLE
- Familiar with LAN, Hardware, PC repair, Troubleshooting and server maintenance
- Understanding fundamentals of Basic networking such as General networking, Network troubleshooting, Wireless networking, Dial up networking, Administration tools/Ping & trace utils.
- Familiar with Server Operating System and Server Application such as Windows 2000 Server Family, Windows 2003 Server.
- Self motivated and like to learn something new, particularly something that related to IT.
- Well individually or in group, hardworking and enjoy to eager learn new skills.

General Qualification :
- Good ALGORITHM skills (for IT Position)
- Good interpersonal skills, good initiative, proactive, and willing to help users
- Highly motivated and able to work in a team or independently and systematically
- Hardworking and able to complete tasks in tight deadline
- Applicant must be willing to work in Jakarta

Note :
- Status : Contract based minimum 3-6 month (extendable)
- Placement : Jakarta – Indonesia

Should you meet the above requirement, please send your application letter and complete CV (certified, current photograph, including expected salary, and other document), and write down the position code as an email subject to:

email :;;

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Vacancy Graphic Designer (Part Time)

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 09:50 AM PDT

We are a fast growing Interior Design company inviting you to fulfill the following position:

Graphic Designer (Part Time)
must have the skill for web design.

Please email CV to

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Vacancy at PT. Telen Orbit Prima (PT. United Tractors)

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 09:46 AM PDT

A dynamic and integrated national Coal Mining, PT Telen Orbit Prima (PT United Tractors Tbk Group), looking for highly excellent candidates to joint with us. With the following positions :

Responsibilities :
- As technical support between mine operations personnel and mine planning with an emphasis on long term planning and strategic option evaluation and analysis.
- Ensure layouts and plans are delivered in timely manner.
- Develop and implement short or medium to long term plus ensuring budgeted target are met and ensure these plans are delivered in a timely manner.
- Assist with evaluation of potential reserve acquisitions, conducting reserve analysis, identifying mine development opportunities and developing economic models.
- Coordinate with drafts person in development of property and mine maps and mining and recovery analysis studies.

- Male with maximum age of 35
- Degree qualified in Mine Engineering or related discipline
- Above 5 years experiences in a coal mining environment, with a detail knowledge of mining and project environments.
- High level of computer literacy, including knowledge of mine planning software/systems (Minescape/MINCOM).
- Proven experience in mine planning would be desirable skill with the support of operational background
- Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
- Willing to work at mine site.
- Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
- Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health

2. Quality Control Officer
- focus to actively control the coal mining operation to maintain planned quantity quality parameters (ash and sulphur) and quantity;
- understand and actively follow the shift plan;

- Male with maximum age of 30
- D3/S1 degree in Mining Engineering / any other relevant disciplines
- Above 5 years experiences in a coal mining environment
- Be able to provide reporting
- Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
- Willing to work at mine site.
- Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
- Excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
- Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health

3. Safety , Health & Environment Officer

- Implementing and monitoring SHE program to ensure that all employees and contractors comply with the company policy and standard on safety, health & environment and operate in safe condition, developing and implementing SHE best practice, safety and environmental audit and SHE assurance process and performance

Requirements :
- Male with maximum age of 35
- D3/S1 degree in Public Health / Mining Engineering/ any other relevant disciplines
- with previous experience at least 4 years as Safety ,Health & Environment in a coal mining ;
- Certificate K3
- Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health.
- High level of computer literacy
- Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
- Willing to work at mine site.
- Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
- Significant and proven open cut mining experiences, excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.

4. Coal Hauling Supervisor
focus to actively control the coal hauling operation to port (coal terminal)

Requirements :

- S1 degree in Civil Engineering/Mining Engineering/Geology with previous experience at least 2 years
- High level of computer literacy
- Honest, detail oriented, highly motivated, and able to work in a team
- Willing to work at mine site.
- Willing to work together with major contractor in achieving an excellent result.
- excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate effectively at all levels.
- Driven to achieve the highest Integrity, Safety & Health.

Excellent career development opportunities and a competitive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate. All applications will be treated in strict confidentiality. Please note that only short listed candidates who meet the requirement will be considered and contacted.

Send your application and comprehensive CV including recent photograph to :
Human Capital – Recruitment
Jalan Raya Bekasi Km 22 Jakarta Timur 13910

(Inspiring technology center Building)
Up. Karsim
or e-mail /

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Cosmopolitan EDITOR and REPORTER Vacancy

Posted: 08 Aug 2009 09:24 AM PDT

- Male/Female
- S1 (preferably graduate overseas in Interior Design/Architect )
- Fluently English is a must
- min 25 years old for EDITOR and 21 years old for REPORTER
- min. 2 years work experience in related field (for EDITOR)
- fresh graduates are welcomed (for REPORTER)

General requirement:
- Execellent interpersonal & communication skill
- Honest, have positive attitude, self confidence, healthy & energetic
- Able to work in tight schedule as a good team work

Send your application letter complete with CV & recent photo to:
HR Department - MRA Printed Media Division
Wisma Kosgoro 9th floor, Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 53, Jakarta Pusat 10350,

or email to:

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Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Informasi Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 08 Aug 2009 05:01 AM PDT

We are one of the leading Retail Company is seeking for professionals to fill the below listed positions; Finance & Accounting Staf (FAS) General Requirements : - Female, Max 30 years of age - Minimum Diploma Degree with 2 years of experience in the same position with retail business background is advantage - Having knowledge of AR, GL, Collection and Taxation. - High orientation person - Pleasant personality - [...]

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 08 Aug 2009 05:14 PM PDT

HOKA – HOKA BENTO is the pioneer and one of the largest Japanese Fast Food Restaurant in Indonesia, with variety of products and affordable price. Established in 1985, nowdays have more than  100 branches  in JABODETABEK, Bandung, and Surabaya. We offer a challenging career for a high achievers to be part of our team. 1.      STORE [...]


Posted: 08 Aug 2009 05:05 AM PDT

Recognized as one of major world players in palm oil industries, PT. Smart Tbk is eager to work together with competent talents as our Key Members for the following positions COST ACCOUNTING – BOGOR DESCRIPTION : Qualification : 1. Male & Female, max 30 years old 2. Min S1 Accounting from reputable university with min GPA 3.00 3. Min 2 years [...]


Posted: 08 Aug 2009 04:33 AM PDT

We are seeking for professional to fill the vacant position as Admin Executive/Secretary- Female max.28 yrs - Representable person - Excellent negotiation skill, innovative and target oriented - Excellent communication skills - Fluency in English ( Both Oral and Written ) - 2 years experiences in  related field would be an advantage - Fresh Graduate are welcome to apply Please bring application, CV, & recent [...]
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