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Tuesday, October 27, 2009 Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia

Vacancy at Oakwood, Sales, Housekeeping & CS

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:56 AM PDT

With more than 30,000 distinctive residences in the most desired locations worldwide, Oakwood is a gateway for those who seek to indulge in a life of passion and commitment.
We are looking for high-caliber individuals to fill the following positions:

1. Sales Executive / Sales Manager
2. Housekeeping Supervisor
3. Customer Service Representative

General Requirements:
- Speak & write excellent English
- Excellent Organizational skills
- Excellent Interpersonal Relations skills
- Discipline & Team Player
- Have related 5* hospitality background & experience

Please apply by email to

Kind regards,
Retno Murdiarti
Human Resources Manager

Oakwood Premier Cozmo Jakarta
Jl. Lingkar Mega Kuninga
Blok E4.2 No.1
Jakarta 12950 , Indonesia
T (62 21) 2554 230
D (62 21) 2554 2395
F (62 21) 2554 2444

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Collection Trader, Technician, Purchasing Vacancy

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:55 AM PDT

PT. Abdibangun Buana, a trading company in electrical product is seeking a hard working person for the following vacancies:
Position : Collection Leader
Location : Jakarta

- D3/S1 graduate in accounting/finance
- Min. 2 years experience in related field
- Strong drive, proactive, good interpersonal skills
- Computer Literate

Position : Technician
Location : Tangerang
- D3/S1 graduate in Electrical Engineering
- Min. 2 years experience in electric panel
- Ready to be assigned to project site outside Jabodetabek

Position : Purchasing Staff
Location : Jakarta

- D3/S1 graduate in Any discipline
- Fresh graduate are welcome
- 2 years experience in related field is an advantage

Application, CV and recent photograph addressed to : HR Dept. PT. Abdibangun Buana, Jl Cikini Raya 95 Gd.CCM Lt.7, Jakarta Pusat

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PB & Co Vacancy as Transfer Pricing Specialists

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:53 AM PDT

PB & Co, is a tax consultancy firm whose corporate philosophy is to provide the best consultancy services in tax to a wide range of corporate and individual clients. PB & a member of Taxand, a global network of leading tax advisors.
We are currently strengthening our team of Transfer Pricing experts and we are searching for dynamic, high caliber and dedicated professionals to immediately fill this position.
Transfer Pricing Specialists
The candidates will conduct research and review pricing analysis, supply demand analysis and macro/micro economic researcher.
Specific Requirements
-Must possess one of the following qualifications
-Certified Management Accountant (CMA)/Certified International Management Accountant (CIMA) with a strong knowledge in cost analysis and cost accounting
-Bachelor's/Master's degree in Economics with a major in Industrial Economics.
-With a strong background in supply demand, cost structure, market penetration pricing analysis and macroeconomic impact to industry performance
-Bachelor's/Master's degree in Economics with a major in Accountancy.

General Requirements
-Min GPA of 3.0 (from a scale of 4.0) a maximum 2 years work experience would be an advantage.
-Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
-Excellent interpersonal and communication skills
-Possess strong research , data collection, analytical and statistical skills
-Fluent in written and oral English
-Proficient in computer operation and software applications including Microsoft Office, -Internet research and also Economics/Finance software application
-Max age 25 years old

Candidates who meet the above mentioned qualifications are invited to send their application letter together with a detailed curriculum vitae, academic records and the latest photograph on or before November 7,2009 to the following address
HRD PB & Co.
Menera Imperium, 27 th Floor
Jl.HR Rasuna Said Kav 1, Jakarta 12980

Or email your application to
Please visit our website at
Only short listed candidates will be notified.

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Temporary Tax Officer Vacancy Scomi Oiltools

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:53 AM PDT

Scomi Oiltools (formerly known as KMC Oiltools), a subsidiary of Scomi Group, is one of the world's leading providers of innovative high performance drilling fluids solutions and state-of-the-art drilling waste management services present in 36 countries globally.

Currently, PT Scomi Oiltools is seeking a young and dynamic person to fill in the position as:
Temporary Tax Officer
(Base in Jakarta)
- Bachelor degree in Accounting (fresh graduate or 1 year experience)
- Having good knowledge in accounting procedure, mechanism and practices
- Having good knowledge and understanding in Tax process and principles
- Having good personality and "can do attitude"
- Can start immediately

If you think you are the right candidate, Please submit your comprehensive cv with detail experience, salary expectation to as soon as possible.

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Posted: 26 Oct 2009 09:50 AM PDT

The largest manufacturer of oil spill response Equipment in the world, under US license, has been operating in Indonesia for 25 years with The Oil and Gas Industry is URGENTLY SEEKING fast learning, open minded, hard working & team player persons to fill the following positions:
-Will be stationed in Jakarta office
-Min D3/S1 graduate
-Female 20-30 years old, good communication skills, open minded and pleasant personality
-Fluently speak and write English, able to analyze documents in English (TOEFL >500 or IELTS >5.0)
-Understand computer and can operate Microsoft Word and Excel
-Min 3 years experience in similar position
-Willing to travel inside and outside Indonesia
-Responsible for planning and scheduling meetings and appointments, organizing and maintaining paperworks, & electronic files, directly report to Managing Director
-Will be stationed in Cikarang/Jakarta office and responsible for marketing and sales in Indonesia
-D3/S1 graduate, background in Marketing/Sales preferred
-Single male or female, 19-30 years old with excellent interpersonal and communication skills
-Class A driver's license is preferred
-Enthusiastic learning new things with high motivation
-Willing to travel inside and outside Indonesia
-Outgoing personality (willing to travel around Indonesia & aboard)
-Will be combating oil spills with the latest technology and will be responsible to operate, repair and maintain more than 100 oil spill response equipments around the world
-D3/S1 graduate of Engineering, Machinery or similar faculty
-Female only, single 19-30 years old with high motivation
-Fluently speak and write English, able to analyze documents in English (TOEFL>500 or IELTS > 5.)
-Willing to travel to offshore platforms and remote locations around Indonesia & aboard
-Lumpsum benefits for combing Oil Spills
-Additional daily rate 350,000 – 400,000 rupiah for field duty
-Height above 165 cm preferred.

No experience is required for marketing staff and oil spill combat operator as training will be provided by the company at no charge, and all positions requires good command of verbal and written English (TOEFL > 450 preferred) and active use of computer applications (Word, Excel, Power Point)
If you meet the above requirements, please send your application letter indicating which position you are applying for with Resume/CV signed by hand, 3 x4 cm photo of yourself, and relevant supporting documents by email or post not later than 2 weeks to

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Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Lowongan Kerja Staf Marketing @PT Bintang Wistar Kencana

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 10:27 AM PDT

PT Bintang Wistar Kencana

Kesempatan Besar

Perusahaan PMA yang bergerak dibidang Trading Spare part membuka lowongan:

Staff Marketing
(Jakarta Raya)


* Pria atau Wanita.
* Usia maksimal 25 tahun.
* Pendidikan minimum S1.
* Pengalaman minimum 1 tahun di bidang yang sama.
* Bisa bahasa Inggris dan Japan wajib.
* Bisa mengoperasikan Office application.
* Rajin, jujur, dan teliti.
* Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan.
* Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

Kirimkan aplikasi lamaran lengkap, pas photo terbaru berwarna 3×4, dan cantumkan gaji yang diinginkan anda ke:

HRD Departemen
PT. Bintang Winstar Kencana
Jl. Agung Timur X Blok N2 No. 19
Sunter Agung Podomoro Jakarta 14350 - Indonesia


Closing Date: 24-11-09

Lowongan Kerja Staf Marketing @PT Bintang Wistar Kencana - Lowongan Kerja

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Tambahan dari Internet?

Ada Ribuan Celah Untuk Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Melalui Internet. Sayangnya, Tidak Semua Orang Tahu Bagaimana Caranya!

Mulai hari ini, Anda bisa belajar Setahap Demi Setahap dan Secara Detail,
Bagaimana Menjalankan Bisnis Melalui Internet,
Dipandu Langsung Oleh Internet Marketer Kelas Dunia

Anda tidak perlu Gelar Sarjana atau bahkan MBA untuk bisa berpenghasilan lewat Internet. Yang Penting Anda Memiliki Kemauan untuk Belajar.

DAFTAR Sekarang Juga: Klik disini

Lowongan Kerja SPG Sales Promotion Girl di Jakarta

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 10:21 AM PDT

PT Vision Interprima Pictures


Kami adalah perusahaan retail skala nasional pemegang lisensi dan distributor resmi untuk produk DVD dan VCD original, dengan outlet yang tersebar luas di seluruh Indonesia sedang membutuhkan tenaga kerja profesional untuk posisi:

Sales Promotion Girl
(Jakarta Raya)


* Wanita, usia maksimum 24 tahun
* Pendidikan minimal sekolah menengah atas (SMU)
* Tinggi badan minimal 158 cm (perempuan)
* Berpenampilan menarik dan berkepribadian baik
* Mempunyai kemampuan menjual dengan baik
* Mampu bekerja sama dan berkomunikasi dengan baik
* Dapat dipercaya dan mampu bekerja dibawah pengawasan minimum
* Bersedia bekerja secara over time
* Akan ditempatkan sesuai dengan domisili pelamar

Kami menyediakan paket gaji dan jenjang karir yang terbuka luas bagi pelamar yang memenuhi syarat

Kirimkan lamaran, CV dan foto terbaru ke:

PT. Vision Interprima Pictures
Jl. Brantas no. 1, Cideng Barat – Jakarta Pusat 10150
Telp: 021-3440788, Fax: 021-3851888
kirimkan melalui e-mail ke:

Closing Date: 24-11-09

Lowongan Kerja SPG Sales Promotion Girl di Jakarta - Lowongan Kerja

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Tambahan dari Internet?

Ada Ribuan Celah Untuk Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Melalui Internet. Sayangnya, Tidak Semua Orang Tahu Bagaimana Caranya!

Mulai hari ini, Anda bisa belajar Setahap Demi Setahap dan Secara Detail,
Bagaimana Menjalankan Bisnis Melalui Internet,
Dipandu Langsung Oleh Internet Marketer Kelas Dunia

Anda tidak perlu Gelar Sarjana atau bahkan MBA untuk bisa berpenghasilan lewat Internet. Yang Penting Anda Memiliki Kemauan untuk Belajar.

DAFTAR Sekarang Juga: Klik disini

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Executive @PT Buana Mas Citra Lestari

Posted: 26 Oct 2009 10:03 AM PDT

PT Buana Mas Citra Lestari


An International Consolidation with worldwide offices looking for:

Marketing Executive
(Jakarta Raya)


* Male/Female, age below 30 years
* Dynamic, energetic, and seld motivation
* Able to work as a team & target oriented
* Minimum exeprience 2 years in FCL and LCL (Export and Import)
* Hold D3 Degree from any reputable university
* High income and commision

Send your CV with a recent photograph to:

Closing Date: 24-11-09

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Executive @PT Buana Mas Citra Lestari - Lowongan Kerja

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Tambahan dari Internet?

Ada Ribuan Celah Untuk Mendapatkan Penghasilan Tambahan Melalui Internet. Sayangnya, Tidak Semua Orang Tahu Bagaimana Caranya!

Mulai hari ini, Anda bisa belajar Setahap Demi Setahap dan Secara Detail,
Bagaimana Menjalankan Bisnis Melalui Internet,
Dipandu Langsung Oleh Internet Marketer Kelas Dunia

Anda tidak perlu Gelar Sarjana atau bahkan MBA untuk bisa berpenghasilan lewat Internet. Yang Penting Anda Memiliki Kemauan untuk Belajar.

DAFTAR Sekarang Juga: Klik disini

Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Informasi Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:29 PM PDT

Sebuah perusahaan online properti (Rumah Model Properti) yang baru launching tanggal 23 Oktober 2009 membutuhkan segera 1 tenaga staff PHP programmer Persyaratan : 1. Pria/ Wanita maksimal 25 Tahun 2. Pendidikan D3/ S1 Jurusan Teknik Informatika 3. Berpengalaman dan mengetahui PHP, AJAX, MYSQL 4. Mengetahui dunia Web Design 5. Bisa menunjukkan portofolio online Fasilitas : 1. Gaji, Tunjangan 2....


Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:17 PM PDT

We are containerized public listed shipping company looking for qualified and highly motivated candidates for the following positions: GA STAFF Qualification : 1. Male, 24 – 28 years old. 2. Diploma or Bachelor Degree (preferable Mechanical/ Electrical/ Industrial Engineering with min. GPA 2.75 out of 4.00 scale. 3. 1 year [...]


Posted: 25 Oct 2009 09:24 PM PDT

PT OTTO PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRIES Sebuah perusahaan farmasi terkemuka di Indonesia mengundang anda untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama dengan mengisi posisi: REGULATORY OFFICER dengan kualifikasi: - Wanita - Usia max 25 tahun - S1 Farmasi - Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik tentang lisensi produk - Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik - Dinamis dan Inisiatif Bagi para kandidat...

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 26 Oct 2009 05:43 PM PDT

We are Reputable Oil & Gas company located in Kalibaru, Tanjung Priok North Jakarta  is looking for highly qualified candidates to fill the position of: 1. Finance Supervisor Requirement 1. A Degree (S1) in accounting 2. Relevant 4 years working experience in Finance & Accounting with min. 2 years experience as Finance & Accounting Supervisor. 3. Experienced in Retail Collection 4. Good [...]


Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:56 PM PDT

Urgently Required at THE HARVEST – Surabaya We are a 5 star quality cake shop operating 8 outlets in Jakarta and Surabaya with over 400 employees.  We are seeking candidates to fill in the following vacant position.. Join our family and be a part of our rapid growth and success. As Auditor / Accounting Requirements : Male, age  23 – 35  years old. Min. [...]


Posted: 26 Oct 2009 04:22 PM PDT

Untuk mendapatkan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil yang berkualitas dan profesional dalam melayani masyarakat tidaklah mudah, berbagai upaya nyata telah dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur.Salah satunya melalui Pengadaan CPNS yang terencana, profesional dan transparan. Dipenghujung Tahun 2009 ini Pemerintah Provinsi Jawa Timur berencana merekrut Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil untuk mengisi beberapa formasi jabatan yang dibutuhkan [...]


Posted: 25 Oct 2009 07:48 PM PDT

URGENTLY REQUIRED We are a fast growing telecommunication services company inviting professionals to fulfilled challenging positions : HRD Officer Requirements : Female, 21 – 35 years old Min. hold a Bachelor degree from reputable Universities with GPA 3.00 Preferably from Psychology or Business Administration background knowledge Having knowledge in Human Resource Development Having knowledge in telecommunication sector is preferable. Having strong leadership and able to [...]


Posted: 25 Oct 2009 07:44 PM PDT

International Non-Governmental Organisation (NGOs) that was established in Birmingham, UK in 1984. It seeks to promote sustainable economic and social development by working with local communities through relief and development programmes. In addition to emergency relief our programmes cover sustainable development, emergency relief and orphan support. Our focus areas are: Afghanistan, Albania, Bangladesh, Bosnia, Egypt, Kosova, [...]
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