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Thursday, August 6, 2009

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru

Lowongan Kerja Terbaru


Posted: 05 Aug 2009 11:26 PM PDT

PT.PLANET SELANCAR MANDIRI (PLANET SURF) We are very fast growing retail company, specializing in teenage fashion and surf wear within leading international brands, looking for high caliber candidates who have big passion for fashion retail on surfing industry, a team player, able to create a hard and smart working environment, willing to provide the best, honest and have integrity to reach our vision and mission, the position is for our Headquarter in Bali. Join our team as : HRD ...

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Informasi Lowongan Kerja

Informasi Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 05 Aug 2009 05:18 PM PDT

We are a Leading Distribution Company in Pharmaceutical, Consumer Product, & Medical Equipment, with operation & distribution networking throughout in Indonesia. pt. dos ni roha was established in 1963 and for over four decades has succeeded in meeting the distinctive demands for distribution in Indonesia as a truly professional distributor. Supported by strong management, we [...] Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia Find Job, Career, Opportunity in Indonesia

Cognos Business Intelligence - BI Consultants Vacancies

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 09:59 AM PDT

A fast growing system integration company focused on the area of banking, risk management and financial industry is now seeking applications from qualified individuals to join our expanding team in providing BI solutions for the following position:

Business Intelligence / Data Warehouse Consultants
Cognos BI Developer

Roles :
- Develop an understanding of client needs in area of Business Intelligence
- Analyze and document the needs
- Design, develop and implement BI solutions
- Utilize an implementation methodology to deliver the solutions on time
- Assist clients in problem solving & troubleshooting when they are facing the problem
- Provide support to the sales process in such areas as proof-of-concepts and solution demonstrations, when required

Qualifications :

- Bachelor degree in Informatics or Engineering from leading universities
- Understanding end to end process in term of Buss. Intelligence or Data Warehouse life cycle
- Hands-on experience in applying OLAP technology or multi dimensional database using SQL Server and or Oracle
- Hands-on experience in developing & implementing BI solution using Cognos based solution or any other leading BI tools
- Strong in relational database management system
- Strong in programming and SQL scripting
- Strong logical and analytical thinking
- Knowledge of web environment and dash-boarding
- Exposure to data modeling using Dimensional Modeling
- Good communication and interpersonal skills
- Good performer in either a team-oriented or individual contributor role
- Proficient in English both written and oral is an advantage

We offer an opportunity to work on interesting and challenging projects as well as an attractive compensation package. Please send your resume in word or PDF format to

Note :
1.File size not more than 200 kb
2.Make sure that file you are sending is not infected by virus/trojan or any malicious program
3.Please consider this notes, otherwise your application will be rejected.

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MB Century Oil, Gas and Geothermal Drilling Services

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 09:54 AM PDT

MB Century is a market leader and foremost provider of oil, gas and geothermal drilling services, with one of the most comprehensive and “best in market” fleets of drilling rigs in the Asia Pacific. As a subsidiary of MB Group headquartered in Oman, we strives to deliver ‘lowest total well cost: safer, smarter - together with our clients’ in mutually respectful commercial frameworks.
To support our operation, currently MB Century is seeking for experienced and qualified personnel :

A. Operation Manager (OM – IJ)
B. Rig Manager (RM – IJ)
C. Chief Electrician (CE – IJ)
D. Chief Mechanician (CM – IJ)
E. Sr. Logging Engineer (SLE – IJ)

All positions above required at least 7 + years of experience in On-Shore drilling with International Exposures. Positions are available for immediate commencement. Candidates should send their latest C.V to / recruitmentindo[at] within 14 days after this advertisement, complete with full work experience details (Specify Oil, Gas or Geothermal experience), training completed, minimum three references and personal details.
The Package – successful applicants will receive a “best-in-the-market” remuneration package .

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World Bank Vacancy 2009 - Indonesia

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 09:35 AM PDT

There is a job opening at the World Bank’s education team working on impact evaluation. The person should have very strong quantitative analysis skills, be familiar with randomized eval, and background in economics, stats, math, econometrics, etc. Interested candidates should write to Rima Artha ( and Amanda Beatty ( Position will be filled as soon as possible.

1. Background
The Royal Government of the Netherlands established the Dutch Basic Education Support Program (DBESP), which has the overall goal of carrying out the necessary technical analyses using global knowledge and international best practices to help the Ministry of National Education (MONE) reach the objectives of its Medium-term Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) and successfully implement policies under the December 2005 Teacher Law.

One component under the DBESP is Monitoring and Evaluation (component 4). The purpose of this component is to improve the effectiveness of monitoring and evaluation systems for MONE’s education programs.

There are several ambitious impact evaluation initiatives underway related to this component. These include
- Determining the impact of an early childhood development project (ECED). The evaluation applies a randomized evaluation design using the phase in of the program, and a matched control from villages outside of the project areas.
- Determining the impact of doubling teacher salaries (as part of the Government certification program) and teacher training on student outcomes that part of BERMUTU project.
- Responding to intermittent Government of Indonesia requests related research in education policy. Recent topics include: the optimal mix between vocation and general training, the appropriateness of teacher salaries in the local labor markets, options to increase incentives for performance for teachers.

In order to ensure that the policy research mentioned above is executed efficiently and meets, high quality standards, the World Bank seeks a research analyst with experience analysing data, designing and fielding surveys in Indonesia, and working with survey firms and Government partners to execute research.

2. Purpose of the Consultancy
Overall, the consultant will participate in studies related to education policies and projects, mainly providing technical inputs into the design and implementation of the ECED and BERMUTU impact evaluations, analysing data from these studies, and producing policy documents for Government, policy and research audiences.

3. Scope of work

The consultant will assume the following responsibilities
1. Undertake, with the guidance of other education team members, primarily research on education policy, outcomes and projects. This includes conducting literature review, analyze existing (statistical) information, and helping to design studies on a range of issues relating to education in Indonesia.
2. Draft survey instruments and survey manuals
3. Provide socialization to Government officials about impact evaluation
4. Clean and manage data sets
5. Provide technical inputs into terms of reference and budgets, mainly for survey work
6. Oversee and provide quality control of survey work, including observing school-based interviews, field supervision, data entry. Make recommendations on quality improvements to training and fieldwork
7. Present research findings to Government
8. Regularly communicate with Government officials and other donors in the education sector to ensure wide dissemination and avoid overlap in education sector research.


Relevant data sets prepared ready for statistical analysis
- Statistical tables or analysis results
- Summaries on data processing/manipulation procedures and statistical results
- Input into analytic reports (including data analysis and literature review) discussing survey findings
- Draft survey instruments, such as those for the Bermutu school surveys
- Presentations for Government or other audiences about survey findings or study plans
- Periodic reports (weekly, monthly, etc, as specified by the supervisors) on quality of survey training and/or fieldwork, including suggestions for improvement of quality. Consultant may be asked to produce presentations or training materials related to recommended improvements.

Selection Criteria
- Minimum of M.A. in Economics or related subjects with minimum 2 years of relevant working experience, or B.A. in Economics or related subjects with more than 5 years of relevant experience
- Excellent knowledge of econometrics and statistical analysis techniques and related principles underlying World Bank’s economic work
- Excellent data skills and familiarity with statistical methods and standard econometric software packages, especially STATA
- Experience in using various large scale quantitative survey data
- Excellent knowledge of data collection, principal sources and retrieval systems of economic and social development survey data
- Ability to interpret and present statistical information
- Excellent written and spoken communication skills in Indonesian and English
- An excellent team worker but can also work independently

Length of Assignment
This is a full-time position initially for a period of 150 days under a short term consultant contract, through June 2010. If performance is satisfactory, it is expected the position will extended under an “extended term consultant” contract which is full-time and has duration of a maximum of two years. The work will require travel to the field in Indonesia to oversee survey operations in the field.

The consultant will be report on a daily basis to Amanda Beatty (

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Dot Net Developer & Operation Support Vacancy

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 09:32 AM PDT

PT. NetPro Solutions is a network provider based driven for the claim servicing company. We would like to invite talented and challenged people to join in our company for positions available as :

1.Female or Male, age max. 26 years old.
2.Graduate form Informatics Engineering / Informatics Management / Computer Science (D3), Min GPA 3.00
3.Capable in .NET framework environment
4.Capable in SQL Server/Oracle and Crystal Report/Reporting Service
5.Know about coding in EDC (Electronic Data Capture) is an advantage

1.Female, age max. 26 years old.
2.Graduate form Informatics Management (D3), Min GPA 3.00
3.Experienced in Hospital Provider is an advantage
4.Experienced in handling any applications
5.Computer Literature

Interested applicants, please provide Comprehensive CV, Photograph and write Position Code on the subject, and email to :

Only short-listed qualified candidates will be called for selection test

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Posted: 05 Aug 2009 09:02 AM PDT

Recognized as one of major world players in palm oil industries, PT. Smart Tbk is eager to work together with competent talents as our Key Members for the following positions :

- Male
- Bachelor degree (S1) major in Legal, Psychology, Management or related field
- Experienced in handling HR min. 7 years
- Experienced in handling manufacture more than 1000 employee
- Good knowledge in labor regulation and industrial relation
- Strong personality, independent, discipline, able to work with minimum supervision - Hard worker, ready to work under target
- Good initiative and response when dealing in under pressure situation
- Good communication and interpersonal skill
- Good in conflict and stress management
- Ready to be located at Tarjun-Kalimantan Selatan

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri


Posted: 05 Aug 2009 07:20 PM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

Lowongan Kerja CPNS 2009. Pengumuman Penerimaan CPNS 2009. Pendaftaran dibuka dimulai tanggal 3 Agustus s/d 31 Agustus 2009 dan harus diterima panitia paling lambat 4 September 2009 (cap pos, tidak boleh diantar langsung)

Nomor : KP.01.02/31.03-KKH/VII/2009

TAHUN 2009

Badan Koordinasi Survei dan Pemetaan Nasional (BAKOSURTANAL) membuka kesempatan kepada Warga Negara Indonesia lulusan Strata 1 (S1) dan Diploma III (D3), untuk menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan BAKOSURTANAL dengan persyaratan dan ketentuan sebagai berikut :


  • Warga Negara Indonesia
  • Sehat Jasmani, Rohani dan bebas NARKOBA
  • Berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang memiliki kekuatan hukum tetap.
  • Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS/ Anggota TNI/Polri atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta.
  • Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS atau Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) dan tidak sedang menjalani perjanjian /kontrak kerja/ikatan dinas pada instansi lain.


  • Berusia minimal 20 tahun, dan maksimal 28 tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009.
  • Pelamar berasal dari Perguruan Tinggi yang terakreditasi minimal B oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional atau Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri yang diakui Depdiknas.

Memiliki kualifikasi pendidikan yang sesuai dengan formasi jabatan yang dibutuhkan :
1 Surveyor Pemetaan SP S1 Geodesi/Geomatika/ Surveying 11 Orang
S1 Geografi 6 Orang
S1 Kelautan 2 Orang
2 Pranata Komputer PK S1 Teknologi Informasi 6 Orang
3 Analis Kepegawaian AK S1 Administrasi Negara/Publik/ Manajemen SDM 1 Orang
4 Verifikator Keuangan VK D III Ekonomi Akuntansi 3 Orang
5 Arsiparis AR D III Kearsipan/ Administrasi Negara 3 Orang

Surat Lamaran yang di tandatangani, dilampiri dengan :

Fotokopi ijazah terakhir,surat tanda kelulusan TIDAK BERLAKU
Fotokopi ijazah transkrip nilai pendidikan
Fotokopi halaman judul dan abstrak tugas akhir/ skripsi
Fotokopi Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku;
Foto berwarna ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 4 lembar
Daftar Riwayat Hidup dengan melampirkan Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) dan surat keterangan bebas NARKOBA dari Dokter serta keterangan pendukung (pelatihan, pengalaman kerja, penghargaan, beasiswa, TOEFL,dsb).
Membuat surat pernyataan format A1, yang ditanda tangani diatas meterai Rp. 6000,-

Seluruh berkas lamaran dimasukan dalam amplop coklat tertutup, dengan mencantumkan kode jabatan dan kualifikasi pendidikan yang dilamar pada sampul depan kiri atas amplop ditujukan kepada : Kepala BAKOSURTANAL , c.q. Kepala Biro Keuangan, Kepegawaian dan Hukum (KKH), PO. BOX 46-CBI Cibinong 16911 dan dikirim melalui pos.
Lamaran yang diantar langsung tidak akan diproses.


Periode lamaran mulai tanggal 3 – 31 Agustus 2009 (cap pos) dan diterima panitia paling lambat 4 September 2009, jam 15.00 WIB. (diluar periode tidak akan diproses).

Seluruh lamaran yang masuk pada periode lamaran akan diikut sertakan dalam seleksi administratif, dengan ketentuan setiap 1 (satu) formasi, sebanyak-banyaknya akan dipanggil 15 (lima belas) orang pelamar untuk masuk pada tahap ujian tertulis.

Hasil seleksi administrasi, dan jadwal, tempat serta pelaksanaan ujian tertulis akan diumumkan pada tanggal 14 September 2009 melalui situs BAKOSURTANAL (

Keputusan Panitia seleksi tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dipungut biaya apapun.

Cibinong, 31 Juli 2009
Ketua Tim Seleksi Penerimaan PNS


Agus Prijanto

Lowongan CPNS BAKOSURTANAL 2009 - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

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Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
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Lowongan Kerja Astra International - Auto 2000

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 07:10 PM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

Lowongan pekerjaan di perusahaan ASTRA INTERNATIONAL, Tbk, PT (TOYOTA AUTO 2000)

PT. Astra Intl Tbk – Toyota Sales Operation (AUTO 2000), the Biggest Main Dealer Toyota in Indonesia need secretary


Requirement :

  • Education background : Diploma with GPA min. 2,8
  • Preferably having experience as secretary for minimum 1 year
  • Excellent Communication, teamwork and interpersonal skills
  • Having good personality
  • Self Motivated and capable of independent work activities
  • Must be proficient in English (written & active speaking)
  • Competency in work processing software and Microsoft Office

If you are interested, please send :

  • Complete CV with your latest picture
  • Your previous & current JOB DESCRIPTION in English

Before 10 August 2009 to :

Put subject at your email : Secretary

Lowongan Kerja Astra International - Auto 2000 - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

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Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
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Lowongan Kerja Staf Kasir Rumah Sakit

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 07:06 PM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

RSIA Grha Permata Ibu /PT Permata Husada Sakti. kami membuka kesempatan bagi para profesional muda yang dinamis, mandiri dan berpengalaman untuk mengisi posisi sebagai : Staff Kasir Front Desk / Admin Rawat Inap
RSIA Grha Permata Ibu adalah rumah sakit Ibu dan Anak yang memberikan berbagai pelayanan medis umum dan bedah, maupun fasilitas khusus dalam bidang obstetri dan ginekologi, neonatologi (bayi baru lahir) dan pediatri (anak-anak).

Ketersediaan sarana gawat darurat serta ambulance berusaha memberikan pelayanan kegawatdaruratan yang terbaik. Didukung oleh fasilitas penunjang medis seperti laboratorium, radiologi dan instalasi farmasi selama 24 jam.

Penyediaan ruang perawatan dan ruang pelayanan pemeriksaan spesialistik dengan fasilitas yang lengkap, bersih dan nyaman menjadi prioritas bagi kepuasan pasien selama berada di rumah sakit.

Seiring dengan perkembangan rumah sakit dan rencana pengembangan di masa mendatang, kami membuka kesempatan bagi para profesional muda yang dinamis, mandiri dan berpengalaman untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :

Staff Kasir Front Desk / Admin Rawat Inap
(Jawa Barat - Depok)


* Lulusan minimal D3 bidang Akuntansi dan Keuangan.
* Berpengalaman minimal 1 tahun, lebih diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja di rumah sakit.
* Memiliki kemampuan bekerja secara detail, akurat, teliti dan tepat waktu.
* Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi, interpersonal dan kepribadian yang kuat.
* Memiliki komitmen dan integritas yang tinggi, bertanggung jawab dan jujur.
* Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tulisan.
* Memiliki keterampilan menggunakan komputer dan aplikasinya serta memahami aplikasi sistem akuntansi.
* Mampu bekerja dalam tekanan serta bersedia bekerja dengan jadwal kerja shift (bergilir) 24 jam.

Bagi anda yang memiliki dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, silahkan kirimkan lamaran lengkap, CV yang mencantumkan detail tugas dan tanggung jawab serta keberhasilan anda, gaji yang diharapkan dan dokumen lainnya dan pasfoto terbaru ke alamat :

DIVISI SDM - RSIA Grha Permata Ibu
Jl. KH. M. Usman No. 168, Kukusan – Beji, Depok

Atau e-mail ke : atau

Seluruh aplikasi yang diterima akan dijaga kerahasiaannya dan hanya yang memenuhi persyaratan akan dipanggil untuk proses seleksi.

Closing Date: 3-Sept-09

Lowongan Kerja Staf Kasir Rumah Sakit - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

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Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
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Lowongan Sales Administrative Assistant

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 06:49 PM PDT

rahasia bisnis internet, raih 70juta/bulan, klik disini

PT Multi Bintang Indonesia, Tbk is the leading beverage industry in Indonesia. Produce a range of trademarked products, including Bir Bintang, Heineken, Bintang Zero, Guinness Stout, and Green Sands. The company operates breweries in Tangerang and Sampang Agung (Mojokerto), with sales and marketing offices in all the major cities throughout Indonesia.

To strengthen our team, we are now seeking for talented and energetic people to be our:

Sales Administrative Assistant
(Jakarta Raya - Pulogadung)


  • Manage all administration works, daily/weekly report of sales performance, and other routine office activities.
  • Minimum D3 education background from relevant discipline.
  • 3 years experienced in administrative works.
  • Proficient in using computer, particularly MS Office applications (Word, Excel).
  • Good command in English, both oral and written.
  • High attention to details and willing to work under pressure.

For the selected candidate, we provide a very competitive remuneration in term of salary, compensation & benefit, and education & training.

Please use the Quick Apply below or send your CV to:
Visit our homepage

Closing Date: 3-Sept-09

Lowongan Sales Administrative Assistant - Lowongan Kerja

3 Cara Dapatkan Uang di Internet. Mudah & Terbukti! Garansi 200%

Apakah Anda Ingin Mendapatkan
Penghasilan Melimpah dari Internet?

Ada banyak celah mendapatkan penghasilan dari internet, tapi tidak semua orang tau dan mau mengetahuinya!
Saya Tunjukkan Bisnis Sederhana dengan Penghasilan bersih Jutaan /Hari. Hanya Bekerja 1 jam/hari!
»» Klik Disini ««

Bursa Lowongan Kerja

Bursa Lowongan Kerja


Posted: 05 Aug 2009 05:10 PM PDT

PT.PLANET SELANCAR MANDIRI (PLANET SURF) We are very fast growing retail company, specializing in teenage fashion and surf wear within leading international brands, looking for high caliber candidates who have big passion for fashion retail on surfing industry, a team player, able to create a hard and smart working environment, willing to provide the best, honest and have [...]


Posted: 05 Aug 2009 05:01 PM PDT

Web Designer - Expert in user interface (not programming), HTML, CSS, Flash, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, etc - Familiar and experienced in design software (such as: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign etc) - Knowledge in Javascript, PHP, ActionScript will be an advantage - Full Timer only - Education: Minimum S1 (Bachelor degree) - Fresh graduates are welcome to apply - Real eye for taste of [...]


Posted: 04 Aug 2009 06:37 PM PDT

LOWONGAN KERJA PT SEMEN TONASA PT SEMEN TONASA , perusahaan Industri Semen terbesar di kawasan Timur Indonesia yang berlokasi di Desa Biringere, Kabupaten Pangkajene & Kepulauan, Sulawesi Selatan, mengundang putra/putri terbaik yang mempunyai semangat, integritas tinggi, ulet dan kompeten untuk bergabung dan mengembangkan karir menjadi calon karyawan PT SEMEN TONASA. Kesempatan ini terbuka bagi para lulusan perguruan tinggi dengan bidang studi: D3 [...]

Lowongan kerja :

Lowongan kerja :

BUMN Carrer Development Program Bank Negara Indonesia 2009

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 12:57 PM PDT

BNI Officer Development Program Vacancies 2009Initially referred to by its unabbreviated name of Bank Negara Indonesia when it was established in 1946, BNI is the first bank formed and owned by the Indonesian Government. In keeping with the spirit of the heroic national struggle that is rooted in its history, BNI strives to provide the best services for the country and to ultimately become the Pride of the Nation, today and always.
A Bright Future with Officer Development Program (ODP) Entry Level Position for Executive Management Position

Bachelor Degree

* From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Economics, Engineering, Mathematical & Statistical Science, Agriculture, Fishery, Forestry, Plantation, or Animal Husbandry
* Minimum GPA 2,75 (PTN) and 3,00 (PTS) scale 4
* Maximum age 26 years old
* Fluent in both spoken and written English
* Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage

Master Degree

* From a reputable university (local/overseas) majoring in Finance/Accounting, or Engineering
* Minimum GPA 3,25 (scale 4)
* Maximum age 28 years old
* Fluent in both spoken and written English
* Previous involvement in organizations is an advantage


Accounting Staff PT Astra International Tbk Job Vagancies 2009

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 12:44 PM PDT

Accounting Staff PT Astra International Tbk Job Vagancies 2009PT Astra International Tbk is a large and solid Company with wide business interest in automotive, financial services, heavy equipment, agribusiness, information technology, and infrastructure sectors. We are currently seeking for professional candidates with strong analytical ability, high sense of achievement, ability to work under pressure, and fluency in English (both oral and written) to join Astra's winning team.\

Accounting Staff


* You will be responsible for all accounting functions in the company, such as handling financial corporate consolidation report, cash flow management, taxation, or accounting systems and procedures.


* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree or Master's Degree/Post Graduate Degree in Accountancy with min GPA 3.25.
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Actively involve in extracurricular activities.
* High interest in Accounting.
* Mastering accounting principles is a must.

EHS & SR Associates


* To conduct assessment process and evaluate EHS & SR's performance within Astra Group based on Astra Green Company and Astra Friendly Company standard (coordinating with Astra subsidiaries / affiliates companies, do the assessment and make assessment report)
* Monitoring EHS & SR's performance by conducting inspection in area of constructions, mechanical-electrical, housekeeping and waste management to Astra subsidiaries / affiliates companies.
* Responsible in conducting EHS & SR trainings within Astra Group, starting from preparation, knowledge transfer process and evaluating the program.
* Manage EHS & SR corporate event, such as : Convention, Seminars, Exhibition and Astra Group Communication's Forum


* Candidate must possess Bachelor degree from Electrical, Civil or Chemical Engineering with minimum GPA 3.00 (for Environment, Health and Safety) and Bachelor degree from Sociology with minimum GPA 3.00 (for Social Responsibility)
* Have a special/highly interest working in Environment, Health, Safety & Social Responsibility (EHS & SR) field


Mining Development Staff job vagancies PT Rahman Abdijaya

Posted: 05 Aug 2009 11:00 AM PDT

Mining Development Staff job vagancies PT Rahman AbdijayaPT Rahman Abdijaya, in its effort to increase coal production, by quality work and strong teamwork, invites dedicated persons to engage in its coal mining operation in South Kalimantan, for the following position:

Mining Development Staff

* To assist in observing and studying process of mining operations and prepares comprehensive analysis for management review.
* Graduated Mining, Civil or Mechanical Engineer from reputable university.
* Has good initiatives and good communication skill (including in English, with score of TOEIC: 700 or TOEFL: 550).
* Has strong motivation to build good career.
* Reports to General Manager Operations.

Business Development Staff

* To assist in analyzing business process and trend to prepare initiative summary as reference for further development.
* Has tertiary education from reputable university.
* Has good initiatives and good communication skill (including in English, with score of TOEIC: 700 or TOEFL: 550).
* Has strong motivation to build good career.
* Report to General Manager Corp. Development.

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