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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Lowongan Purchasing (1 Posisi) PT Tri Adhika Samudyama - Jakarta Raya

Posted: 01 May 2011 04:55 PM PDT

PT.Tri Adhika Samudyama – perusahaan kontraktor berskala menengah yang sedang berkembang pesat dan berfokus pada proyek perumahan dan ritel – saat ini mencari kandidat yang berinisiatif tinggi, berorientasi pada target, menyukai detil dan tantangan, serta mampu bekerja dalam tim.


Purchasing (1 Posisi)
(Jakarta Raya)


Tanggung jawab :
Membuat Purchase Order,
Menyiapkan pembayaran untuk supplier,
Follow up pembayaran dari costumer
Melakukan :
Administrasi pembelian
Direct call, dan
Surat menyurat

Persyaratan :
Wanita berusia di bawah 25 tahun
Minimal lulusan D3 dari seluruh jurusan
Memiliki pengalaman minimal 1 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan menawar, komunikasi, dan interpersonal skill yang baik
Menguasai bahasa Inggris (tertulis dan lisan)
Mempunyai sikap yang konsisten, jujur, teliti, teratur serta mempunyai daya tahan serta kontrol kerja yang baik dan mampu bekerja dalam team, dan
Menguasai Microsoft Office dengan baik

PT.Tri Adhika Samudyama
Ruko Victorian Bintaro B/5
Jalan Bintaro Utama 3A, Tangerang
Email: atau

Lowongan Secretary (Code: SEC) PT Sharp Electronics Indonesia - Jakarta Raya

Posted: 01 May 2011 04:54 PM PDT

As one of the top electronics manufacture, we are continuously expanding business through improvement and innovation. We invite you to grow with us as:

Secretary (Code: SEC)
(Jakarta Raya)

Female, 20 - 25 years old
D3 Secretary / Bussiness Administration / Japan Literature
Proficiency in Japanese language is a must
Freshgrad are welcomed to apply
Excellent computer skill
Good proficiency in English, both written & spoken
Good communication & interpersonal skill, energic & strong service

If you meet our requirements, send your complete resume, together with a recent photograph to:
Before May 6, 2011
(max. 200kb - don't forget to put position code on email subject)

Lowongan SERVICE ENGINEERS Quantum Automation Pte Ltd - Indonesia

Posted: 01 May 2011 04:53 PM PDT

Quantum Automation, a leading engineering company in Singapore providing solutions for Facilities Management, Fire Safety and Security, Industrial Automation and Home Automation Systems requires:



Provide technical and Engineering support of the installed systems.

Degree in Engineering or equivalent.
Minimum 2 years of relevant working experience
Provide technical and engineering support of the installed systems.
Preferably experience in one or more of the below fields:
-BMS / BAS system
-Fire Alarm System
-Security, Access Control, CCTV System
Able to program, debug & troubleshoot various systems.
Travelling is required.

Interested applicants, please send your full resume stating age, contact numbers, email address, a recent photo, educational qualifications, working experience, current and expected salary to:

E-mail : Website :
or fax : (65) 6748 6801

Quantum Automation Pte Ltd
The HR & Admin Dept.
18 Kaki Bukit Road 3 # 04-01/2/3
Entrepreneur Business Centre
Singapore 415978

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