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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Info Lowongan Kerja dalam dan luar negeri

Web Programmer (Jakarta) » Innove Technologies

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:40 PM PDT

Innove Technologies

Innove Technologies is a Singapore Based company that specialized in doing turnkey projects for our clients. All projects are web based and is deployed either on internet or intranet. Programmers and developers will be working with a consultant/system architect who has introduced technology into enterprises to automate their business processes and workflow. Client will benefit by having faster turnaround time, reduction of cycle time as well as better control, tracking, reporting and validation. As a result, business will be able to reduce their operating cost.

Web Programmer
(Jakarta Raya)


  • Able to construct HTML interfaces based on the requirement of clients
  • Able to program in web programming languages and perform testing
  • Able to write query statement to databases to achieve the desired input and output functions.
  • Able to work independently to deliver the task and module assigned
  • Able to collaborate in a team to resolve issues relating to dependencies
  • Able to fly overseas for implementation assignments when necessary


  • Male, under 30 years old
  • Candidate must possess in diploma or bachelor degree in computer science/Information technology or equivalent.
  • Fluent in English communication skills
  • Fresh graduate with good working attitude and good interpersonal skills are welcomed
  • Able to interact effectively and deliver within tight deadlines
  • Preferable to have one portfolio
  • Full time and contract position available


  1. PHP, ASP, HTML, Javascript, VB Script, VB.NET, ASP.NET, C#
  2. MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2000/2005
  3. Dreamweaver, FTP, Remote Desktop, Teamviewer

Selected candidates will be contacted by phone for interview in Jakarta
Full details of application letter (CV + photo), other details needed, with expected salary to be sent to the following address or email address :

JL. Daan Mogot, Perum Tampak Siring utara no 24, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat


Closing Date: 1-5-11

Admin Finance Accounting (Jakarta) » PT Setia Medika Indonesia

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:36 PM PDT

PT SETIA MEDIKA INDONESIA is a fast growing Pharmaceutical Company. Single distributor in national level and our office is located in Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara. Currently we have opening positions in our company requiring people with fresh ideas and insight to grow professionally with us. We offer opportunities for people to grow and develop, enabling you to thrive and achieve your maximum potential.

In order to response our Aggressive Growth Challenge, we are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual who wants to gain personal growth through the following positions:

Admin Finance Accounting
(Jakarta Raya)


  • Wanita Max 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan Minimal D3
  • Mengerti basic accounting (Program Accurate)
  • Pengalaman Min 1 tahun
  • Jujur, teliti dan pekerja keras
  • Komputer literate ( MS Office , Email )
  • Domisili Jakarta Utara

If you meet the requirement, please send your complete CV & photograph to:

Please put code each code on your subject email. Only short listed candidate will be proceed.

Closing Date: 06-05-11

Accounting & Finance Staff (Jawa Barat) » PT Armindo Caturpratama

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:34 PM PDT

PT Armindo Caturpratama

Accounting & Finance Staff
(Jawa Barat)


  • Pria/Wanita, 21- 30 tahun
  • Minimal Diploma Akuntansi
  • Menguasai buku besar,jurnal dan neraca
  • Pernah bekerja di akuntan public lebih disukai
  • Teliti, jujur dan mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan target
  • Menguasai komputer (Excel, word & familiar dengan accounting program)

Please send your Application letter and CV to:

Only short listed candidates will be notified

Closing Date: 5-5-11

CIPUTRA GROUP » Staf Account Payable

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:25 PM PDT

CIPUTRA GROUP sebagai salah satu perusahaan properti terbesar di Indonesia yang memiliki bisnis dalam mengembangkan perumahan, mall, hotel, apartemen, media berencana untuk memperluas bisnis dengan membuka RUMAH SAKIT di Citra Raya Tangerang.

Untuk itu, kami membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga professional untuk menjadi bagian dari tim kami yang dinamis dan inovatif untuk mengisi posisi sebagai :

Staf Account Payable
(Citra Raya, Tangerang)


  • Pendidikan D3/S1 Finance / Accounting
  • Memiliki pengalaman sebagai Staf Account Payable minimal 1 tahun (pengalaman di rumah sakit lebih diutamakan)

Bagi Anda yang memiliki kualifikasi seperti di atas, segera kirimkan resume Anda lengkap ke:

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang untuk mengikuti seleksi.

Part-time Teacher » Happy Grow, Kids Activity Club at Cengkareng

Posted: 05 Apr 2011 07:12 PM PDT

Happy Grow, Kids Activity Club at Cengkareng – Jakarta Barat, with All-in-One method as a partner for kid also for parents.

Taman Palem Lestari Blok B18 No 21B, Cengkareng, Jakarta Barat.

Batas Akhir Lowongan :
17 April 2011

Posisi lowongan & Persyaratan :
Part-time Teacher for Photography, Design, Manga Art and Cooking for 2-7 and 8-12 years old children. Open for any candidate with qualification above, including college student.
Located at Taman Palem Lestari, Cengkareng.

Please send your Application, CV and recent photograph to : before 11 April 2011.

When you apply, please mention that you saw this job on

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