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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lowongan kerja S1 Akutansi, Ekonomi Putera Sampoerna School of Education (SSE)

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 02:32 PM PDT

Lowongan kerja S1 Akutansi, Ekonomi Putera Sampoerna School of Education (SSE)Lowongan pekerjaan, The Putera Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) was established to train
and develop professionally certified teachers with International standards
and to equip them with best-practices in the latest teaching methodologies.
Built upon the experiences and expertise of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher
Institute from training over 14.000 professional teachers in Indonesia in
the last 3 years, the SSE is a licensed, degree-granting college, managed by
the Sampoerna Foundation.

The school offers a unique Career Management Program designed to prepare
future leaders for the education sector and provides career opportunities
within the Sampoerna Foundation network of schools upon graduation.

To support its operation, we are looking for qualified and experienced
individuals to join our team as :

Finance Staff (FS –SSE)

Requirements :

- Bachelor degree in finance or accounting
- Minimum 2 years of working experience in finance area *from an NGO or formal educational institution.
- Good understanding and experience in area of A/P, A/R, costing, budgeting, projection, financial reporting, financial reconciliation, corporate finance and financial analysis.
- Good knowledge in taxation and accounting principles.
- Good English skill both spoken and written
- Good interpersonal and communication skill
- Solid computer literacy skill in MS Excel.

If you meet the above requirements please send your comprehensive resume by
email to : by stating position code
applied for in the email subject no later than July 21, 2009.

Lowongan kerja D3 Sekretari, Administrasi PT Elnusa Tbk juli 2009

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 11:54 AM PDT

Vagancy SECRETARY at Oil n Gas PT Elnusa TbkPT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for Integrated Services for Upstream Oil and Gas Industry (see: We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position to be based in Site Areas :


Info Selengkapnya

Lowongan kerja semua jurusan, D3 Teknik Sipil, D3 Informatika, SMU/SMK, D3 Ekonomi/Fisip Indomaret Jember

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 11:21 AM PDT

Seiring dengan perkembangan Indomaret yang sangat pesat, maka kami membutuhkan beberapa karyawan yang akan kami tempatkan di Area Kantor Cabang Jember, yakni :


Kualifikasi :
Pria/Wanita, D3 Semua Jurusan, usia max. 23 tahun, belum menikah, IPK min. 2,75, penampilan menarik, komunikatif, mempunyai jiwa pemimpin, mampu mengordinir dan bekerja sama dalam team, komputer min. Word/Excell, siap kerja under pressure, mampu mengelola kebutuhan stock barang yang ada di outlet Indomaret, sehat jasmani dan rohani, siap ditempatkan di luar kota.


Kualifikasi :
Pria, D3 Teknik Sipil, usia max. 23 tahun, belum menikah, IPK min. 2,75, familiar dengan program Autocad, komputer min. Word/Excell, sehat jasmani dan rohani, siap ditempatkan di luar kota.


Kualifikasi :
Pria/Wanita, D3 Informatika semua jurusan, usia max. 23 tahun, belum menikah, IPK min. 2,75, mampu menganalisa data, memahami salah satu bahasa pemrograman, komputer min. Word/Excell, sehat jasmani dan rohani, siap ditempatkan di cabang Jember.


Kualifikasi :
Pria, D3 Informatika semua jurusan, usia max. 23 tahun, belum menikah, IPK min. 2,75, memahami salah satu bahasa pemrograman, komputer min. Word/Excell, sehat jasmani dan rohani, siap ditempatkan di cabang Jember.

5. SOPIR ( SP )

Kualifikasi :
Pria, SMU/SMK, usia antara 22 – 35 tahun, memiliki SIM B1 atau B2, siap pengiriman dari Probolingo – Bali, sehat jasmani dan rohani, berkelakuan baik dan tidak pernah terlibat kriminal, siap ditempatkan di Jember.


Kualifikasi :
Wanita, D3 Ekonomi/Fisip, usia max. 23 tahun, belum menikah, IPK min. 2,75, penampilan rapi dan menarik, komunikatif, berkepribadian baik, komputer min. Word/Excell/Database, sehat jasmani dan rohani, siap ditempatkan di Jember.

Bagi yang sesuai kualifikasi di atas, kirimkan surat lamaran kerja lengkap, no telp/hp yang bisa dihubungi paling lambat tanggal 27 Juli 2009 dan ditujukan ke :

Jl. Pierre Tendean No. 99 A Sumbersari, Jember – Jawa Timur
Telp. 0331 – 326000 (hunting) – 0888 717 8484

Note :
1. Untuk agenda Psikotes akan diadakan di Kantor Cabang Jember – Jawa Timur;
2. Pemanggilan peserta tes melalui telpon max. 1 minggu setelah iklan low ini berakhir.


Lowongan kerja Sales Engineers, Process Engineer, Site Engineer Basuki Water Indonesia

Posted: 15 Jul 2009 11:01 AM PDT

Lowongan kerja Sales Engineers, Process Engineer, Site Engineer Basuki Water Indonesia Lowongan kerja terbaru, Basuki Water Indonesia - As an Indonesian base business entity, we know how important quality water treatment and supply to the people in a vast populated archipelago that need an applicable yet economical water treatment technology. Our office buildingWe always try to pursue the latest technology and sometimes need a painstaking effort to convince clients who are tend to the hold on status quo due to ignorance or do not want to take a risk in this changing world.

Sales Engineers
Sales Engineers

* Healthy male not more than 35 years old
* Graduated in engineering from prominent university
* Some years experience in water treatment business would be advantages
* Possessing A driving license is a must
* Able to work with less supervision and travel extensively is an obligation

Process Engineer

* S1 in Environmental Engineering
* Experience 3 - 5 years in planning and operating WTP & WWTP including process and trouble shooting
* Experience in evaluating water and wastewater treatment analysis
* Able to drive and have a driving licence
* Fluent in Autocad
* Willing to be placed in every region in Indonesia

Site Engineer

* Minimum D3
* Experience 1 - 2 years in Environmental Engineering field
* Understand how to operate WTP & WWTP (process & trouble shooting)
* Understand how to do water & wastewater analysis
* Able to drive and have a driving license
* Willing to be placed on every region in Indonesia

Qualified candidates are invited to send their short curriculum vitae
not later than 22th July 2009 to :

HRD Manager

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