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Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Lowongan Kerja

Lowongan Kerja

Relationship Officer – Rabobank Indonesia

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 01:40 AM PDT

Rabobank Indonesia is a part of the Rabobank Group, a full-range financial services provider founded on co-operative principles. Headquartered in Utrecht, The Netherlands, the Group employs more than 60.000 staffs in 43 countries, servicing the needs of more than nine million clients worldwide. Food & Agribusiness is the international prime focus of the Rabobank Group. Our solidity and stability is evidenced by being ranked 4th in the World’s Safest Bank 2008 list by Global Finance Magazine.

Relationship Officer (ROO)


  • Developing and maintaining the prime, existing, and new clients
  • Maintain a good relationship with prime, existing and new clients
  • Create and open potential network
  • Having sufficient knowledge of banking products
  • Identify clients’ credibility


  • Minimum Bachelor degree from any discipline
  • Minimum GPA 2.75 (from 4.00 scale)
  • Good in English (written and/or spoken)
  • Customer service oriented and result oriented
  • Experienced in the same field are preferable, minimum 1 year
  • Willing to be located out from Jakarta (Sumatera, East Java, Central Java, West Java, Pontianak, Bali). Preferably local citizen

Please send your complete resume to :

Please put the position code in your email subject

Shipping Staff – PT. Multitrend Indo

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 01:36 AM PDT

MOTHERCARE, we are a leading Retail International Brand with dynamic organization about the needs and aspirations of parents for their children. We are providing environment that it as challenging as it is exciting, as fun as it is rewarding. We are One of the Sunday Times 20 Best Big Companies to work for 2006

Shipping Staff


  • Female / Male
  • Min 1 years experience at the same position (retail experience preferred)
  • Able communicate in English (oral / written)
  • Computer Literate (Microsoft Office, Internet Application)
  • Must understand shipping procedure for exports/ imports, understand L/C methods, arrange shipments and preparation documents for internal and for bank purposes (if LC)
  • Able to work under pressure and tight deadline.
  • Hard working, honest, and efficient

Please send or bring along Your application letter and cv within 2 weeks to :

HRD Departement
PT. Multitrend Indo
Menara Era, lt. 14 Unit 1402
Jl. Senen Raya No: 135
via e-mail:

Learning and Development Manager – PT ANZ Panin Bank Head Office

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 01:34 AM PDT

ANZ is accelerating the growth of its business in Asia. ANZ realizes that our greatest asset is our people. That is why we are creating a unique climate of inspiration, leadership, values and great opportunities that will enable the best in market to thrive as part of our diverse team

Learning and Development Manager


As Manager, Learning and Development you will be responsible to manage the delivery of a professional learning service that contributes to the profitability and growth of the Bank, and within the Human Resources Agenda.

As a job holder you will be required to ensure program content of courses are continually refreshed and strongly linked to the Growth agenda and business strategy. In your portfolio, you will work with key stakeholders to determine the training and development needs required to significantly enhance front line skills, including the re-tooling of front-line staff in align with environmental changes; ensuring key stakeholder needs are understood and included. You will design and develop the skills assessment strategy, in conjunction with key stakeholders, to assess individuals against the agreed benchmarks for their specific work roles. This will see you developing and maintaining, in conjunction with Head of HR, a core of training & career framework products and services that support culture change and business plans.

The ideal incumbent will be manage the implementation of on-going business change/transformation effectively in relation to project training needs and initiatives across the Bank, including front, middle and back office environments. Additionally you will ensure that learning and development becomes an integral part of the Bank's brand promise to new and prospective entrants.

Bachelors Degree in Business or Human Resource field with strong generalist experience particulaly in the areas of career frameworks and training and development will be well regarded. You will bring to the table, broad skills that will ensure you will be a trusted business advisor across a range of people related issues. The capacity to rapidly develop a sound working knowledge of the business and and to develop and implement HR plans and strategies within broad frameworks set by the Head of HR and Group/Regional HR will be vital for the role. Sound knowledge of and exposure to change management strategies and practicies along with will be an added advantage. Project management skills will ensure your success in this role.

This is an opportunity to undertake a role with development opportunities. With our global head office in Melbourne you will have exceptional opportunity for professional development with a broad range of career paths.

Due to regulatory requirements, this role is only open to Indonesian Nationals.

"Valuing everyone between A aNd Z"

If you receive this advertisement through job boards, please apply through, quoting JAK 100332

Translator – PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 01:31 AM PDT

PT Bank UOB Buana Tbk is a well established bank since 1956 which have 35 Branch offices and 169 Service outlets in 18 provinces throughout Indonesia. Our vision is to be the most reliable and trusted bank in Indonesia. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :

Translator (Code: CCO-S)


  • Hold Bachelor (S1) degree of English Literature
  • Minimum 1 year experience in Banking Industry
  • Able to work under pressure with tight deadline
  • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status

Send your complete CV not more than 200 KB with recent colorful photograph and expected salary to :

Staf Marketing – PT. Bank Bumi Arta Tbk

Posted: 21 Jul 2009 01:27 AM PDT

PT. Bank Bumi Arta Tbk. Bank Devisa yang berdiri sejak tahun 1967 secara konsisten terus melakukan pengembangan usaha dalam rangka memberikan pelayanan perbankan yang berkualitas tinggi kepada para nasabah. Untuk menunjang pengembangan usaha tersebut kami mengundang para kandidat yang berpotensi untuk mengisi posisi sebagai:

Staf Marketing


  • Pria, maksimal usia 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan min SLTA
  • Pengalaman di bidang penjualan min 2 tahun
  • Berhasil menawarkan & menjual produk dengan baik
  • Dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik
  • Luwes dalam pergaulan
  • Percaya diri
  • Mudah beradaptasi
  • Ulet dan tidak cepat putus asa

Kirimkan surat lamaran anda dilampiri dengan CV, foto kopi KTP, ijazah & transkip nilai terakhir serta foto terbaru 4 x 6 cm ke:


Bagian Rekrutmen & Training
PT Bank Bumi Arta Tbk

Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No. 234
Jakarta Pusat 10250

Cantumkan kode jabatan pada kolom “subject” paling lambat 14 hari setelah iklan ini dimuat.

JURNALIS – PT. Mister Baso & Rice Bowl Indonesia

Posted: 13 Jul 2009 10:17 AM PDT

PT. Mister Baso & Rice Bowl Indonesia

Perusahaan Multinational yang sedang berkembang pesat, bergerak dibidang retail (food industries), restaurant dan café membutuhkan tenaga professional untuk menempatkan posisi :


Kualifikasi :

Pria / Wanita, usia maks 30 thn.
S1 Jurnalistik, pengalaman dibidangnya min. 1 thn / fresh graduate.
Memiliki keahlian menulis, mendengarkan dan mengajukan pertanyaan yang baik.
Pernah menulis berita/artikel dan dimuat di media cetak umum / intern.
Memiliki jaringan sumber informasi yang luas yang berhubungan dengan jenis publikasi perusahaan penerbitan Koran.
Suka bekerja lapangan, jujur, ulet mampu bekerja sebagai bagian dari tim maupun individual.
Dapat bekerja secara team, dibawah tekanan & deadline yang ketat.
Gesit, berwawasan, dan berkeinginan untuk maju.
Aktif berorganisasi (lebih disukai pernah di Pers Mahasiswa).
Membawa contoh artikel yang pernah ditulis / diterbitkan pada saat wawancara.

Lamaran dikirim / dibawa langsung ke :
Recruitment Department. Ruko Intercon Plaza Blok F24, Jl.Meruya Ilir Raya – Srengseng Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11630
via email :
UP : Ibu Putri – Recruitment (021-94627527)

Comes Joins To The Top

Posted: 13 Jul 2009 10:16 AM PDT

PT NEW JAYA MOTOR sebuah perusahaan berkembang yang bergerak dibidang Car Accecoris dan Car Audio. Membutuhkan Tenaga Marketing-sales untuk wilayah Jakarta.
Adapun kualifikasinya Sbb :
1. Pria / Wanita Maks 27th
2. Berpenampilan menarik dan mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik
3. Mempunyai SIM C
4. Berorientasi pada target dan pencapaian
5. Pengalaman / Non pengalaman
6. Lulusan Diploma semua jurusan
Bagi yang memenuhi kualifikasi, silahkan kirim surat lamaran Via email = atau via pos ke Jalan Karang Anyar Raya No. 55, Kompleks Karang Anyar Permai, Blok B 34-36, Jakarta 10740.
Lamaran Paling lambat diterima 27 Juni 2009

Dibutuhkan Seorang Perawat Segera

Posted: 12 Jul 2009 11:38 PM PDT

Dibutuhkan seorang perawat wanita untuk ditempatkan diklinik di daerah Cilengsi, gaji dan fasiltas menarik kesegera kirimkan lamaran melalui : pengalaman tidak diutama, akan di berikan tranning dan fasiltas-fasilitas lainya.

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